
PGA’s vision is to contribute to the creation of a Rules-Based International Order for a more equitable, safe, sustainable and democratic world.

News Center

PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia

While marking a new chapter of positive complementarity in the country, it is also the first time that the Office concludes such an agreement with a State Party.

Mexican Senate approves the Ratification of Rome Statute Amendments to Article 8

With this Senate approval, Mexico reiterates its international and national commitments to human rights, justice and the rule of law. PGA will continue to support its members in Mexico to promote the full implementation of the Rome Statute and cooperation with the ICC.

Italian Parliament authorises the Government to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Italy will become the 42nd State to ratify the Kampala Amendments on the crime of aggression and war crimes.

Coup d’état in Sudan: an unfortunate setback delaying the democracy-building process and justice for victims

The recent events that took place during the evening of Monday 25 October 2021 in Khartoum, Sudan, are yet more evidence of the worrying trend of democratic backsliding worldwide.

PGA Regional Asia Parliamentary Webinar to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security

This Webinar was the third in a series of 8 such Webinars which PGA will organize aimed at facilitating and encouraging parliamentary diplomacy to promote International Cooperation on Nuclear and Radiological Security.

Online Event: How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

PGA, together with WCADP, organizied an online event on "How to Work with Parliamentarians for the Abolition of the Death Penalty" on 20 October 2021

PGA Board Member Addresses Regional IMO Seminar on The Ratification and Implementation of the 2012 Cape Town Agreement in Asia

The Webinar focused on overcoming the challenges faced by countries in the region as they move towards ratification of the CTA.

Parliamentarians from the Republic of Ghana and Uganda reinforced their commitment to international justice and human rights during their visit to the Hague

PGA organised a visit of members of Parliament from Ghana and Uganda to the Hague. The delegation, was composed of 10 Parliamentarians and two staff members.

PGA Webinar Promoting Universality and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol/s in the Caribbean Region

This Webinar was the second of a series of 4 such activities in Africa, Latin America, Asia/Pacific and Caribbean/CARICOM, jointly implemented by PGA and the Council of Europe, to promote Universality and Implementation of The Budapest Convention on Cyber

Zimbabwe Accedes to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM)

Zimbabwe acceded to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) on Monday, 20th September 2021

PGA congratulates the Government of Chile on the occasion of its ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The Chilean Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved the Draft Agreement ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted in New York in 2017.

PGA Welcomes the Refusal of Uganda's President to Promulgate the Sexual Offences Bill

The Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni returned the Bill to the Parliament for reconsideration.

Successful participation of PGA members at the Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly celebrated during WorldPride Copenhagen 2021

PGA joined the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, the LGBTQ Victory Institute and the Global Equality Caucus as an Executive Partner of the Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly as part of WorldPride Copenhagen 2021

International Day of Democracy: An Opportunity to Reaffirm our Commitment to Democratic Renewal

Today, as the world continues grappling with the devastating effects of a global pandemic and a severe decline of democracy and human rights Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins efforts to echo and commemorate the International Day of Democracy.

Roundtable on Afghanistan: Learning From Our Past Mistakes to Move Ahead to Try to Prevent New Atrocities

The roundtable explored actions that could be undertaken by the international community which could have an impact toward the prevention of atrocity crimes and improve the safety and security of Afghan civilians.

Philippines Senate Ratifies Arms Trade Treaty

PGA's International Peace and Security Program is pleased to congratulate the Senate of the Philippines on the occasion of its approval last week of ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty.

Argentina National Group Working to Ratify Cape Town Agreement

On August 26, 2021, the National Group in Argentina, met to discuss how the Cape Town Agreement can help to fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

PGA Regional Caribbean Parliamentary Webinar to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security

This Webinar was the second in a series of 8 such Webinars which PGA will organize aimed at facilitating and encouraging parliamentary diplomacy to promote International Cooperation on Nuclear and Radiological Security.