Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World


The current global context calls for resolve and unity to face common challenges such as the rise of authoritarianism, the erosion of democratic values, and the increasing threats to cybersecurity. We must also renew our pledge on multilateralism to fight the triple planetary crisis (biodiversity loss, pollution, and the climate emergency) by protecting our Oceans through the signature and ratification of the United Nations High Seas Treaty (also known as the BBNJ Treaty), which the UN Member States adopted on 19 June 2023.

This year, the PGA Annual Forum sought to address these key issues during two days of deliberations:



Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

8:00 hrs.- 11:00 hrs. (EST)

See Agenda »



Date: Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Time: 8:00 hrs.- 11:00 hrs. (EST)

See Agenda »

Wednesday, 15 November 2023: Day 1

Third Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the Oceans (CAP-Oceans):

The High Seas Treaty: A Historic Milestone in Ocean Protection for All People of Present & Future Generations

Download the Background Note
Download the Background Note: The High Seas Treaty: English »   español »   français »  Português »

On 20 September 2023, the High Seas Treaty1 opened for signature with 75 States signing within the first two days. This overwhelming momentum for the High Seas Treaty is a historic milestone in ocean protection for all people of present and future generations. The High Seas Treaty provides a legal framework to ensure conservation and sustainable use of and access to marine genetic resources. Nearly two decades after initial discussions began at the United Nations in 2004, the Treaty is a momentous opportunity for this common heritage of humankind.

The High Seas Treaty reinforces both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which includes a commitment to protect and conserve at least 30 percent of our planet’s land and ocean areas by 2030. The Treaty will establish the framework for the creation of marine protected areas on the high seas and guide decision-makers on how to assess the environmental impacts of human activities in these areas. The health of our ocean is inherently linked to the health of our planet and therefore directly to the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

With 83 signatories today, it is crucial that this momentum continues, recalling also Article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties on signatories’ “obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force.” A multi-stakeholder approach is needed to achieve the goal of the Treaty’s entry into force with 60 ratifications by the 2025 UN Ocean Conference co-hosted by France and Costa Rica, with parliamentarians playing a key role in promoting and protecting human rights for all people of present and future generations, to build resilience in the face of the climate crisis, maintain essential biodiversity, and to support the air we breathe.

Download the Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The High Seas – Unregulated and Under Attack
Download the Factsheet for Parliamentarians (2023): The High Seas Treaty »

During the 3rd Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the Protection of the Oceans (CAP-Oceans) held within the framework of PGA’s 44th Annual Forum, hosted by the Parliament of Seychelles, participants will:

  • Discuss the importance of the High Seas Treaty;
  • Exchange experiences and lessons learnt from fellow parliamentarians, exploring opportunities and challenges towards the ratification of the High Seas Treaty;

As an outcome of PGA’s 44th Annual Forum, participants will adopt the Victoria Plan of Action recognizing the importance of the High Seas Treaty from a human rights-based perspective and commit to the signature, ratification, and implementation of the Treaty, in line with commitments made in 2019 Praia Plan of Action and 2021 Belmopan Plan of Action.


1 The High Seas Treaty is also called the BBNJ Agreement, for its official title, the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.

8:00 AM (GMT-5)

Opening Address

Hon. Naveed Qamar, MP (Pakistan)

PGA President

Naveed Qamar
Welcome Address by Parliament of Seychelles

Hon. Roger Mancienne, MP (Seychelles)

Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Seychelles

Roger Mancienne
Keynote Address: A Historic Agreement to Protect the Ocean

Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares

Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel

Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares

8:35 am

Session I
Session Chair

Dep. Antonio Niquice (Mozambique)

PGA Board Member, Oceans Campaign Convenor; Chair of the Planning and Budget Commission

Antonio Niquice
Open Discussion Amongst All Participants
Experts available to address technical questions & provide insights:

Ms. Rebecca Hubbard, Director of the High Seas Alliance

Mr. Daniel Kachelriess, Cross Cutting Coordinator, High Seas Alliance (HSA)

Mr. Julian Jackson, Senior Manager, Protecting Ocean Life on the High Seas, Pew Charitable Trusts

Open Discussion Amongst All Participants
Signing the High Seas Treaty

Intervention: Hon. Valerie Woods, MP (Belize)

Speaker of the House of Representatives, PGA Board Member, Climate Action Campaign Convenor

Valerie Woods
Open Discussion Amongst All Participants
Protecting Rights for Present and Future Generations

Intervention: Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, MP (Vanuatu)

Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geohazards and Disaster Management

Ralph Regenvanu

9:35 am

Session II
Session Chair:

Ms. Petra Bayr, MP (Austria)

PGA Treasurer

Petra Bayr
Protecting this Common Heritage of Humankind: Challenges and Opportunities

Ms. Rebecca Hubbard

Director of the High Seas Alliance

Rebecca Hubbard
Open Discussion Amongst All Participants
Open Discussion Amongst All Participants
Engaging through National Groups

Intervention: Hon. Patrick Kensenhuis, MP (Suriname)

Chair of PGA National Group

Patrick Kensenhuis
Summary and Closing Remarks of Day 1: CAP-Oceans

Ms. Mónica Adame

Secretary-General of PGA

Mónica Adame

Thursday, 16 November 2023: Day 2

Securing Democracy in a Digital Age: Launch of the Parliamentary Toolbox for Democracy Defense and Protecting Women Parliamentarians in the face of Cyberattacks

Objective: Launch PGA’s Parliamentary Toolbox for Democracy Defense and provide a platform for parliamentarians to share experiences and lessons learned on how cyberattacks on female parliamentarians, particularly, can imperil democratic processes. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss the global call for a UN Special Rapporteur’s mandate on Democracy.

8:00 AM - 8:05 AM

Opening Session

Ms. Mónica Adame

Secretary-General of PGA

Mónica Adame

8:05 am – 9:00 am

Panel I: Launch of the Parliamentary Toolbox for Democracy Defense
Introduction of Panelists:

Ms. Petra Bayr, MP (Austria)

General Rapporteur on Combating Racism and Intolerance, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council for Europe (PACE); PGA Treasurer

Petra Bayr

8:10 am – 8:18 am

Introduction of the Toolbox

Hon. Bernard Georges, MP (Seychelles)

PGA Board Member

8:18 am – 8:26 am

Ms. Anita Vandenbeld, MP (Canada)

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development; Member of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development; PARRT Founding Member

Anita Vanderbeld

8:26 am – 8:34 am

Prof. Irwin Cotler

International Chair, Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR); Emeritus Professor of Law at McGill University; former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, former PGA Member

Irwin Cotler

8:34 am – 9:00 am

Discussion moderated by:

Ms. Petra Bayr, MP (Austria)

Petra Bayr

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Panel II: Preserving Women Parliamentarians’ Leadership in the Face of Cyber Harassment and Attacks
Introduction of panelists:

Hon. Millie Odhiambo MP (Kenya)

PGA Board Member, Former Convenor PGA International Peace and Security Program

Millie Odhiambo

9:05 am – 9:13 am

Dip. Margarita Stolbizer, MP (Argentina)

Member, Committees on Constitutional Affairs, Foreign Relations and Worship; PGA Board Member and Convenor of the Campaign against Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)

Margarita Stolbizer

9:13 am – 9:21 am

Mr. Kyle Matthews

Executive Director, Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS), Concordia University

Kyle Matthews

9:21 am – 9:29 am

Dr. Angela Brown-Burke, MP (Jamaica)

PGA Board Member and Co-Convenor of the International Peace and Security Program

Angela Brown-Burke

9:29 am – 9:37 am

Hon. Valerie Woods, MP (Belize)

Speaker, House of Representatives; PGA Board Member

Valerie Woods

9:37 am – 10:00 am

Discussion moderated by:

Hon. Millie-Odhiambo, MP (Kenya)

PGA Board Member, Former Convenor PGA International Peace and Security Program

Millie Odhiambo

10:00 am – 10:45 am

Panel III: Global Call on the Proposal to establish a United Nations Special Rapporteur Mandate on Democracy
Introduction of Panelists:

Sen. Boris Dittrich, MP (Netherlands)

PGA Board Member

Boris Dittrich

10:05 am – 10:13 am

Mr. Andreas Bummel

Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders

Andreas Bummel

10:13 am – 10:21 am

Hon. Mariam Solaimankhil, MP (Afghanistan)

Member of the PGA Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT)

Mariam Solaimankhil

10:21 am – 10:45 am

Discussion moderated by:

Sen. Boris Dittrich, MP (Netherlands)

Boris Dittrich

10:45 am – 11:00 am

Conclusion and Next steps

Sen. Emilio Álvarez Icaza, MP (Mexico)

PGA Board Member and PARRT Member

[Summary of key takeaways from the forum. Acknowledgment of panelists, moderators, and participants. Invitation to join PGA’s ongoing initiatives.]

Emilio Álvarez Icaza

Event Funders

High Seas Alliance
Day 1
High Seas Alliance
Global Affairs Canada
Day 2
Global Affairs Canada
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Day 2
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands