
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

41st Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action

The Role of Parliamentarians in the Implementation of SDGs 16 and 14

Promoting Democratic Renewal and Inclusion, Safe-guarding Human Rights, and Protecting the Oceans

21-22 November 2019
Assembleia Nacional, Praia, Cape Verde

Annual Forum 2019

On November 21-22, 2019, the PGA Annual Forum was hosted by the Parliament of Cape Verde in Praia on the theme of: The Role of Parliamentarians in the implementation of SDGs 16 and 14: Promoting democratic renewal and inclusion, safeguarding human rights, and protecting the oceans.

All PGA member-parliamentarians are invited to attend the Annual Forum each year, which was initiated in 1980 and has been hosted by National Parliaments since 2000. A formal invitation was sent by the Speaker of Parliament of Cape Verde to Presidents/Speakers of Parliaments around the world inviting them to send an official delegation from their parliament.

2019 PGA Annual Parliamentary Forum

For additional information on the PGA Annual Forum, please contact:

Mr. Thiago Carvalho or Mr. Charles Rubin