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Ask the Right Questions to Decision Makers

Ask the Right Questions to Decision Makers
  • Does your Ministry and Cabinet have a specific policy to address equality and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression? Is there an accountability framework and policy; and, if yes, are there reports on implementation? Do line ministries cooperate on LGBTI issues?

  • Are there official statistics documenting acts of violence and discrimination against LGBTI people?

  • What is the prevalence rate of violence and discrimination against LGBTI people?

  • Has research been conducted to learn about factors that incite and cause violence against LGBTI people in your country?

  • What information is available on the specific types of violence exerted against LGBTI people?

  • What is the rate of government compliance with the recommendations provided by the national human rights institution (if present in the country) for the prevention and investigation of acts of violence against LGBTI people, or those perceived as such? What about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)?

  • What kind of data is the government collecting on LGBTI issues?

  • Is LGBTI disaggregated data being collected and reported on, including as part of the Voluntary National Review process established as part of the follow up and review mechanisms of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

  • Do state health personnel receive compulsory training on non-discrimination?

  • How does the Ministry ensure that all staff, not only medical professionals, but receptionists, janitors, security officers and others, are adequately trained and sensitized on equality and non-discrimination?

  • Are there training requirements for health care practitioners to understand the health needs and risks of LGBTI people?

  • Are there monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that such training, if present, contributes to improving the provision of services to LGBTI people?

  • Are there any health services specifically designed to address the needs of transgender people? If so, how accessible are these services?

  • Is there a mechanism by which LGBTI people can evaluate the quality of services and propose changes?

  • Is there a national HIV strategy or plan, and, if so, does it include specific consideration of key populations?

  • Is there an integrated approach to addressing LGBTI people who are victims of violence, including protocols for police, prosecutors, health care providers and other social service agencies?

  • Are there prompt, independent and effective investigations into all allegations of acts of violence, including those that may be motivated on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity?

  • Is the Ministry tracking murders and killings that may be motivated by homophobia and/or transphobia?

  • What kind of training do law enforcement officials receive on non-discrimination and equality?

  • Is specific training available in places of detention?

  • How does the Ministry ensure that law enforcement officers know the laws and are aware of the human rights of peoples, particularly LGBTI people, and how to apply these in their work?

  • Does the Ministry work with civil society organizations to undertake comprehensive public awareness-raising and sensitivity campaigns on sexual orientation and gender diversity?

  • Does the Ministry work with LGBTI organizations to develop curriculum and human rights training for teachers, parents and children?

  • Is there a plan for comprehensive sexuality education programmes in schools and communities? Have sexual and gender diversity been incorporated into the curricula to help transform stereotypes against LGBTI people?

  • Is there an anti-bullying initiative in schools to combat discrimination and violence against young people and children? If so, how does this initiative work?

  • If there is not a specific anti-bullying initiative, how is bullying in schools and communities being addressed? Does this include the right of transgender people to go to school with the clothes they prefer or are more comfortable with?

  • Does the Ministry support student-led Safe at School campaigns?

  • Do text books used in school reflect a positive approach to LGBTI issues?

  • Is there a mandate for LGBTI awareness training for staff who work in child welfare and juvenile justice issues?

  • Is there an inclusive, non-discriminatory policy that explicitly commits to addressing the needs of LGBTI youth, such as mental and physical health issues, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviour and livelihood opportunities?

  • Does the Ministry allocate funds to developmental, preventive and intervention programmes involving or led by LGBTI youth? If so, please explain.

  • Is there an estimate of the incidence and prevalence of homelessness among LGBTI youth?

  • Is there dedicated shelter space and housing for LGBTI youth?

  • Are there any immigration laws, policies or practices that restrict, target or disadvantage LGBTI people, whether residents, visitors or migrants?

  • Have all members of the judiciary received training on human rights, including in relation to LGBTI people?

  • Do all judges deal with hate crimes and violence and discrimination against LGBTI people?

  • What is the degree of impartiality during trials in regards to the gender status of the protagonists?

  • How are the human rights of LGBTI prisoners protected in jails and in all places of detention?

  • What precedent and jurisprudence exist regarding LGBTI people?

  • How are LGBTI communities reflected and represented in the legislature?

  • What measures has the parliament taken to ensure that it is a safe place for LGBTI people to work?

  • Has parliament developed a plan to implement the recommendations of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, including undertaking law reform in relation to men who have sex with men and transgender people? 

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