A. Uganda – Kony Case [Confirmation of Charges Hearing in absentia]

- On 29 October 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber III held a confirmation of charges hearing for Joseph Kony, who remains at large. This decision follows extensive efforts to notify him of the charges and hearing date, including media campaigns and community outreach.
- On 12 December 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber III scheduled the confirmation of charges hearing to continue on 9 September 2025.
- Joseph Kony is suspected of 36 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, allegedly committed between at least 1 July 2002 until 31 December 2005 in Northern Uganda.
- More information about the Case can be found here.
B. Mali – Al Hassan Case [Sentencing and Discontinuance of Appeals]

- On 20 November 2024, Trial Chamber X sentenced Mr. Al Hassan to 10 years of imprisonment. This follows his conviction on 26 June 2024 for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Timbuktu, Mali, between 2 April 2012 and 29 January 2013. The time Mr. Al Hassan has already spent in detention, from 28 March 2018 to 20 November 2024, will be deducted from his sentence.
- On 17 December 2024, both Mr. Al Hassan and the Office of the Prosecutor decided to withdraw their appeals. Mr. Al Hassan's conviction and sentence are now final, and reparations proceedings may be expedited. Mr. Al Hassan will remain in ICC detention until a country is designated for him to serve his sentence.
- More information about the Case can be found here.
C. Democratic Republic of the Congo – Ntaganda Case [Appeals Chamber Judgment on Reparations]

- On 1 November 2024, the ICC Appeals Chamber delivered its judgment on the appeals in relation to the reparations order framework for victims of the attacks.
- Mr. Ntaganda was found guilty of 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ituri, in 2002-2003. He was sentenced to a total of 30 years of imprisonment.
- More information about the Case can be found here.
A. Situation in Libya [Unsealing of Arrest Warrants]

- On 4 October 2024, The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I unsealed six arrest warrants against members of the Al Kaniyat militia in Libya. The individuals are charged with war crimes, including murder, torture, cruel treatment, sexual violence, and rape, allegedly committed in Tarhunah.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
B. Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [Renewed Investigations in North Kivu]

- On 14 October 2024, the ICC Prosecutor announced the renewal of investigative efforts in the DRC, focusing on alleged Rome Statute crimes committed in North Kivu since January 2022. This decision follows an assessment of DRC’s second referral and that recent violence in North Kivu is interconnected with longstanding patterns of conflict in the region, falling within the scope of the ICC's ongoing investigation initiated in June 2004.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
C. Situation in Ukraine [Non-Cooperation by Mongolia]

- On 24 October 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber II found that Mongolia failed to cooperate in the arrest and surrender of the President of the Russian Federation, while he was on its territory, in violation of its obligations under the Rome Statute. Mongolia's non-cooperation has been referred to the Assembly of States Parties due to its significance in preventing the Court from carrying out its duties.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
D. Situation in the Central African Republic II [Unsealing of Arrest Warrant]

- On 7 November 2024, the Pre-trial Chamber II unsealed an arrest warrant for Mr. Edmon Beina, in relation to his alleged involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity that would have been committed in Guen, between February and April 2014. The charges include murder, rape, pillaging, and intentional attack against civilians.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
E. Situation in the State of Palestine [Issuance of Arrest Warrants and Decision on Jurisdiction]

- On 21 November 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber I issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri, more commonly known as Deif, Commander-in-Chief of the military wing of Hamas, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territories of Israel and Palestine from at least 7 October 2023.
- On 21 November 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber I rejected two requests brought by Israel under Articles 18 and 19 of the Rome Statute, which challenged the Court’s jurisdiction. The requests also sought to halt proceedings, including arrest warrant applications for Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and Mr. Yoav Gallant, while asking a revised notification of the investigation’s initiation.
- On 21 November 2024, the ICC Prosecutor issued a statement, announcing that judges confirmed the issuance of arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
F. Situation in Bangladesh/Myanmar [Application for Arrest Warrant]

- On 27 November 2024, the ICC Prosecutor filed an application for arrest warrant for Senior General and Acting President Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Defence Services, for the alleged crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya population in Myanmar and in part in Bangladesh between 25 August 2017 and 31 December 2017.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
G. Situation in Afghanistan [Receipt of Referral]

- On 28 November 2024, the ICC Prosecutor announced the receipt of a referral concerning the situation in Afghanistan from six States Parties: Chile, Costa Rica, France, Luxembourg, Mexico, and Spain. These states expressed concern over the severe deterioration of human rights in Afghanistan, particularly affecting women and girls, following the Taliban's takeover in 2021.
- More information about the situation can be found here.
A. Republic of Lithuania/Republic of Belarus [Receipt of Referral from Lithuania]

- On 30 September 2024, ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC confirmed the receipt of a referral from the Republic of Lithuania under Article 14(1) of the Rome Statute. Lithuania's referral requests the ICC to investigate alleged crimes against humanity, including deportation, persecution, and other inhumane acts, which would have been committed against the civilian population of Belarus since 1 May 2020. Although Belarus is a non-Party State to the ICC, Lithuania stated that part of the elements of the alleged crimes was committed on its territory.
- More information about the preliminary examination can be found here.
i. Statement on Guinea

- On 31 July 2024, the OTP welcomed the judgment by the Dixinn Court in Conakry, Guinea, convicting individuals responsible for the atrocities committed during the 28 September 2009 events at the national stadium in Conakry. During these events, between 156 and 200 people were allegedly killed or disappeared, and at least 109 women were subjected to rape or other forms of sexual violence.
ii. Thirty-ninth report on the situation of Darfur, Sudan

- On 6 August 2024, ICC Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC addressed the United Nations Security Council and presented the thirty-ninth report on the situation in Darfur, Sudan.
iii. Prosecutor’s Visit to Ukraine

- On 13 September 2024, the ICC Prosecutor concluded his sixth visit to Ukraine amidst ongoing conflict. During the visit, he met with Ukrainian authorities, civil society representatives, and international partners to discuss the progress of investigations into alleged war crimes.
iv. Twenty-eighth report on the situation in Libya

- On 19 November 2024, the ICC Prosecutor briefed the UN Security Council from Tripoli, Libya, marking his second visit to the country and presented the twenty-eighth report on the situation in Libya.
v. New Policy on Slavery Crimes

- On 2 December 2024, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, the OTP launched its new Policy on Slavery Crimes, marking the first such policy by an international tribunal. This policy aims to enhance the understanding, investigation and prosecution of slavery crimes under the Rome Statute.
vi. Annual Report 2024

- On 4 December 2024, the OTP launched its Annual Report for 2024, titled “The Law in Action for All,” providing an in-depth overview of its activities over the past year and the steps taken towards implementing its Strategic Plan for 2023-2025.
vii. Public Consultation on Environmental Crimes

- On 18 December 2024, the Prosecutor of the ICC announced a second public consultation on the OTP’s policy initiative to advance accountability for environmental crimes under the Rome Statute, inviting comments by 21 February 2025.
i. Annual Report of the ICC

- On 28 October 2024, the ICC President, Judge Tomoko Akane, presented the Court’s annual report to the UN General Assembly and highlighted the increasing demand for the ICC’s work and challenges to the Court’s operations, and emphasized the importance of state cooperation.
ii. Concern over Arrest Warrants Targeting ICC Judges
- On 28 November 2024, the Presidency of the Court expressed great concern over recent arrest warrants targeting two ICC judges solely for performing their duties under the Rome Statute, and firmly condemned any actions intended to threaten or punish ICC officials.
iii. Agreement on Enforcement of Sentences

- On 3 December 2024, the ICC and Poland signed an Agreement on the Enforcement of Sentences, allowing individuals convicted by the Court to serve their prison sentences in Poland if decided and accepted.
i. Official Visit to Colombia

- From 12 to 14 November 2024, ICC Registrar Osvaldo Zavala Giler conducted an official visit to Colombia, marking his first mission to the Latin American and Caribbean region. The visit aimed to strengthen cooperation and engagement with Colombian authorities and institutions.
i. States’ voluntary contributions to the TFV

- From July to December, the following countries made contributions to the TFV: Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, France, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, and Spain.
ii. Mali – Al Mahdi Case - Collective Reparations Delivered

- On 10 October 2024, the TFV delivered collective reparations to the Timbuktu community in Mali, as mandated in the case against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi. These reparations include the establishment of a memorial, reconstruction of a mausoleum, extension of the municipal museum, and various heritage protection initiatives.
iii. TFV Board of Directors concludes mandate and a new Board is elected

- On 6 December 2024, after the 7th Board of Directors of the TFV concluded its mandate, the Assembly of States Parties elected five members of the 8th Board of Directors to continue the work to revitalize the TFV.
i. Day of International Criminal Justice

- On 17 July 2024, the ICC marked the Day of International Criminal Justice and the 26th anniversary of the Rome Statute of the ICC.
ii. Allegations of Misconduct by an ICC Elected Official

- On 24 October 2024, the President of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), addressed reports alleging misconduct by the ICC Prosecutor towards a member of his office.
- On 11 November 2024, the President of the ASP announced that an external investigation will be conducted into allegations of misconduct by the ICC Prosecutor, following a request from the IOM.
iii. 23rd Assembly of States Parties

- On 6 December 2024, the 23rd session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute of the ICC concluded in The Hague. Six resolutions were adopted by consensus on strengthening the ICC and the ASP, implementation of the tenure policy, a moratorium on recruiting staff the nationality of States that are non-parties to the Rome Statute, review of the ICC and the Rome Statute system, cooperation, and the program budget for 2025.