
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Morocco and the Rome Statute

Signature, Ratification of/Accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC
Signature Date: 8 September 2000
Ratification Date: No.
Amendments to the Rome Statute
Ratification of the Kampala Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute on war crimes [poison and expanding bullets in NIAC] (2010): No
Ratification of the Kampala Amendment to the Rome Statute on the crime of aggression reflected in Article 8 bis (2010): No
Ratification of the Amendment to Article 124 of the Rome Statute (2015): No
Ratification of the Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute on war crimes [biological weapons] (2017): No
Ratification of the Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute on war crimes [blinding laser weapons] (2017): No
Ratification of the Amendment to Article 8 of the Rome Statute on war crimes [non-detectable fragments] (2017): No
Ratification of the Amendments to Article 8 of the Rome Statute on war crimes [starvation as a war crime in NIAC] (2019): No
Adoption of implementation legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC

The Moroccan Criminal Code does not contain genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, or any of the principles under the Rome Statute. There is no legislation regulating the cooperation with the ICC. However, on 24 June 2016, the Government introduced to Parliament bill 10.16 revising the Criminal Code, including by defining international crimes. This bill has since then been under the examination of the Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee of the House of Representatives.

Cooperation Agreements
Ratification of Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court (APIC): No.
Signature of Agreement of Enforcement Sentences with the ICC: No.
Signature of Agreement of Interim and Final Release with the ICC: No.
Signature of Bilateral Immunity Agreement with the USA: Yes, signed in New York on 24 September 2003 and entered into force on 19 November 2003.
Key Documents
  • Banjul Plan of Action Toward an End to Impunity in Africa (2019): English | Français

Status of the Rome Statute System as of October 2024:

States that have ratified the Rome Statute [125]
States that have signed the Rome Statute but have not ratified it yet [29]
States that have withdrawn from the Rome Statute [2]
States that have neither signed nor ratified the Rome Statute

125 countries are States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Of these, 33 are African States, 19 are Asia-Pacific States, 20 are from Eastern Europe, 28 are from Latin American and Caribbean States, and 25 are from Western European and other States.

Work of PGA in this Country:

6th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and North Africa, House of Representatives of Jordan, Amman, 2014

MENA Working Group

While most Governments in the Middle East and North Africa have expressed support for the ICC, few have taken the necessary steps to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute.

Participation of Hon. Amina Maelainine in a Panel Discussion on Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes

On 10 September 2020, PGA co-hosted a Panel Discussion on “Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes”, title of the new book of Professor Jennifer Trahan (New York University - NYU).

This meeting was the 8th meeting of its kind organised by PGA since 2005.

Members of the House of Deputies of Lebanon, of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco and of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People of Tunisia met virtually to discuss and exchange ideas on the fight against impunity.

May 2020 Update of the Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC

This edition of the Campaign Update for the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) comes during unprecedented and unforeseen circumstances.

Parliamentary Moroccan Delegation Visit to The Hague

From 17 to 19 February 2020, PGA facilitated a visit of members of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco to The Hague...

The Kutupalong Refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The camp is currently the world’s largest refugee settlement and hosts around 600,000 refugees. UN Photo/Caroline Gluck

PGA welcomes the decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an investigation into the alleged crimes against humanity committed in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh/Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Parliamentarians and experts met in Banjul to explore mechanisms designed to provide accountability for serious human rights violations and international crimes.

On 3 and 4 July 2019, the National Assembly of the Gambia hosted over 40 participants, representing more than 15 African States, to participate in the Working Group on the Fight against Impunity in Africa.

The 10th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP-ICC) and 40th Annual Forum of PGA took place 16-17 November 2018 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Parliament of Ukraine in Kyiv, 16-17 November 2018.

The 38th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action was hosted by the National Assembly of Senegal.

On 9 and 10 December 2016, on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the National Assembly of Senegal hosted the 9th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP - ICC).

The 7th Session of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region was held in Dakar, Senegal.

On December 8, the 7th Session of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region was held in Dakar, Senegal.

Parliamentarians from around the world gather in the Parliament of Rabat, Morocco, for the 8th Session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (CAP ICC).

Parliament of Morocco hosts 8th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law in Rabat

6th Meeting of  PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court  in the Middle East and North Africa

While most Governments in the (MENA) Region have expressed support for the ICC and the fight against impunity for crimes under international law, few have taken the necessary steps to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC.

Participants of the PGA Working Group for the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the MENA region, 6th session, Amman, Jordan.

MPs from MENA Region discuss the ICC and fight against impunity for international crimes

The Working Group met for its 5th session under the gracious auspices of the House of Representatives of Morocco in Rabat on 17 and 18 May 2012.

On the occasion of a parliamentary conference and related consultations held in Cairo, Egypt, in 2005, PGA created the Working Group on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The goal of the Working Group

Bahrain, the host of the III Session of Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Memed Region, signed the Rome Statute on 11 December 2000.

Legislators from Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, the UAE and Yemen met in Manama, Bahrain under the auspices of Parliamentarians for Global Action and its members Dr. Salah Ali, MP (Al Menbar) and Mr. Khalil Al-Marzooq, MP (Al Wefaq) members of the Majlis Al Nu

The Fourth session of The Consultative Assembly brought together 165 MPs from all continents.

and 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum. Tokyo, Japan, December 4-5, 2006.


Parliamentary Kit on the International Criminal Court
Parliamentary Kit on the International Criminal Court

Parliamentary Kit on the International Criminal Court

It is imperative that the Rome Statute be ratified universally for the successful functioning of the Court. Parliamentarians should ensure that the ICC is truly universal.


Created by the Rome Statute, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first permanent and independent international court capable of investigating and bringing to justice individuals who commit the most serious violations of international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and human rights.

The Rome Statute defines the crimes under the Court’s jurisdiction and provides the general principles and procedures for the operation of the Court. It also outlines the cooperation obligations of its State Parties. It is imperative that the Rome Statute be ratified universally for the successful functioning of the Court. Parliamentarians should ensure that the ICC is truly universal.


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Toolkit
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action


Handbook for Parliamentarians: National Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Handbook for Parliamentarians: National Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Handbook for Parliamentarians: National Nomination of Judicial Candidates for the International Criminal Court (ICC)


The ICC is the first and only permanent independent court with the mandate to investigate and prosecute individuals responsible for committing international crimes, namely genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. Its 18 judges from around the world, elected for a nine-year term, play a key role in ensuring this expectation is lived up to through their primary mandate to render authoritative and high-quality jurisprudence and guarantee fair trials.

Therefore, the quality of the judges has fundamental importance to the performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the ICC, which is at the heart of the long-term success of the ICC and the Rome Statute system as a whole. In this handbook, PGA sets forth specific criteria and recommendations for Parliamentarians to encourage their governments to improve national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates and adopt good practices and requirements to ensure these processes are fair, transparent, and merit-based. The goal of robust nomination procedures is to ensure that only candidate judges or jurists of the highest caliber make it on the ballot.


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Handbook
  • Author(s): Parliamentarians for Global Action


Handbook: Ratification and Implementation of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Handbook: Ratification and Implementation of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Handbook: Ratification and Implementation of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court


It is our honor and privilege to present to you the Third Edition of the Handbook on the Ratification and Implementation of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression to the Rome Statute of the ICC.

It is the product of our collaborative effort aimed at assisting States in ratifying the amendments adopted by consensus in Kampala and helping criminalize the most serious forms of the illegal use of force.


Additional Details

  • Publication Type: Handbook
  • Author(s): Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations; Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression; Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University (LISD); (Drafting Assistance by PGA)