
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Maldives and the Death Penalty

The Maldives is formally retentionist but has applied a moratorium since 1954. In 2018, there were no death sentences imposed, but 15 people remained on death row.

While the Maldives has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 2006, it has yet to ratify its Second Optional Protocol aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ICCPR-OP2).

29 November 2017: PGA organized a side-event to its 39th Annual Forum in Milan (Italy), entitled “Moving Away from Capital Punishment in Asia”. The event focused on the issues and arguments particularly relevant to the abolitionist movement in Asian countries. This gave the opportunity to PGA Member Hon. Ahmed Mahloof to share his experience with fellow Asian parliamentarians and discuss strategies for countries where the government wishes to resume executions or reinstate the death penalty.