
Mobilizing Legislators as Champions for
Human Rights, Democracy, and a Sustainable World

Indonesia and the Death Penalty

Ending an unofficial five-year moratorium that began in 2008, Indonesia resumed executions in 2013. At least 48 individuals were sentenced to death in 2018 but no execution was carried out; More than 308 people remain on death row.

While Indonesia has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 2006, it has yet to ratify its Second Optional Protocol aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (ICCPR-OP2).

10-13 November 2019: PGA conducted consultations with parliamentarians and policy makers in Indonesia on criminal justice reform, and in particular how capital punishment is addressed in the ongoing revision of the Criminal Code (Reformasi process).

7 May 2018: Together with partner ECPM, PGA organised consultations on the Indonesia Judicial System, Penalties and Human Rights in the Reformed Draft Criminal Code in Jakarta. This allowed Indonesian parliamentarians, including Hon. Aziz Syamsuddin, PGA Member, to discuss with civil society representatives and experts the implications of the long-awaited Criminal Code reform (Reformasi) on the application of capital punishment.

25 July 2017: Together with its partners ADPAN and ECPM, PGA organized a Parliamentary Roundtable on the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Malaysia and in Asia, in the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, during which Hon. Eva Sundari, MP, made a presentation about the situation of the capital punishment on Indonesia and consulted with civil society and Malaysian MPs on how to best promote abolition in Indonesia.

24-25 February 2016:  During the process of revision of the Indonesian Criminal Code, PGA gathered a delegation of two prominent Malaysian MPs and PGA Secretariat’s experts to have informal/bilateral closed consultations on the death penalty in Indonesia to enable a peer-to-peer dialogue and exchange on best practices and lessons-learned. This visit brought together MPs and national authorities on how to include safeguards to limit the application of the death penalty, in particular in the reform process led by PGA Member, Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin, MP.