42 articles :
The 2024 International Day of the Girl theme is ‘Girls’ vision for the future’ conveying both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future
The event was hosted by the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI) and the Belisario Dominguez Institute of the Mexican Senate.
PGA was proud to sponsor this event in collaboration with the Sendas Foundation.
PGA President Patto called on the Malaysian Minister for Women, Family and Community Development, to follow through with the initiative to eradicate child marriages.
PGA urges the international community to recognize its collective responsibility in the protection of human rights of all Afghans and to consider an effective, gender-sensitive response to the deteriorating humanitarian context.
How Parliamentarians can be leaders in the defence and promotion of girls’ and women’s human rights by improving access to justice for international crimes.
Cette ressource a été publiée conjointement par la campagne CEFM et la campagne RS. (disponible en anglais)
PGA facilitated a meeting between Members of Parliament of Kenya and members of Girls Not Brides’ National Partnership in Kenya
On December 16, 2020, PGA organized a webinar for Kenyan parliamentarians to discuss the need to address harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) and female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM) in the context of COVID-19.
On December 15, the Senate unanimously ratified the bill to reform article 144 and repeal article 145 of its Civil Code effectively prohibiting child marriage. The bill was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on November 18, 2020.
The Filipino Senate unanimously voted in favor of Senate Bill No. 1373 or the “Girls Not Brides Act,” which declares child marriage illegal.
The verdict came on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference of Women, which led to the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action.
On 12 February 2020, the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein under the leadership of Amb. Christian Wenaweser, hosted the first 2020 PGA UN Advisory Committee meeting.
Dip. Carla Pitiot discute de l’importance de la Convention C-190 de l’OIT dans le cadre de la campagne de 16 jours contre la violence sexuelle et sexiste
Depuis 2012, chaque année le 11 octobre, nous célébrons la Journée internationale de la fille, l'occasion de faire le point sur les progrès accomplis dans la réalisation des droits des filles et les défis auxquels beaucoup d'entre elles sont encore confrontés partout dans le monde.
The International Day of the Girl (IDG) is an opportunity to take stock on progress towards the fulfillment of girls’ rights and the challenges many of them are still facing around the world.
On July 15, the National Assembly of Mozambique voted unanimously to approve the law against unions of minors under the age of 18.
By Honorable Dorcas Sibanda, MP Zimbabwe & Chair of PGA’s National Group - February 6, 2019
Several groups have called for the Government to implement law reforms to end the practice of child marriage in Malaysia.
UN Women interviewed PGA Member Dip. Gloria Reyes (Dominican Republic)
The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador unanimously approved reforming its Family Code to prohibit marriage among minors.
The Legislative Forum was held on July 5 in collaboration with the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, UN Women and UNICEF, San Salvador.
PGA congratulates the Parliament of Malawi for unanimously adopting a constitutional amendment that raises the minimum age of marriage.
PGA celebrates the major achievement of its Zimbabwean members’ work to end child, early and forced marriage.
This revised version, collaboratively prepared with PGA, incorporates and reflects governments’ global commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and target 5.3 to end child marriage by 2030, among other areas.
We are pleased to share with you a newly revised toolkit on “The Role of Parliamentarians in Ending Child Marriage”
Actions from Parliamentarians in Bangladesh, Morocco and Zimbabwe to end CEFM
Parliamentarians play a key role in addressing child marriage: as leaders, lawmakers and in their oversight capacity.
PGA commends the work of its National Group in the National Assembly of Zimbabwe, for tireless efforts to mobilize colleague parliamentarians and build political will to effectively end child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) in their country.
PGA in collaboration with the Parliament of Ghana, convened MPs from Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe for a two-day Capacity Building Seminar..
In the framework of PGA’s Campaign to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Campaign on CEFM) and, in collaboration with PGA’s National Group in Ghana and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, PGA convened a Capacity Building Seminar for African
PGA praises the decision of the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe to abolish child marriage.
Parliamentarians in 77 countries call for an end to Child Marriage
To date, PGA’s Global Parliamentary Declaration to End Child Marriage has been endorsed by 773 Members of Parliament from 77 countries around the globe.
774 Signatories to Date from 80 Countries
The National Assembly of Chad Ratifies Ordinance N006/PR/2015 banning child marriage by enforcing 18 as the minimum legal age of marriage in the country.
PGA commends the United Nations Human Rights Council for its recent adoption of a Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage during its 29th session.
PGA convened a Parliamentary Delegation to Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania on June 17-22, 2015 to hold meetings with relevant stakeholders and partners on CEFM issues and to discuss the best strategies through which PGA can contribute to their work
La communauté internationale s’est engagée à mettre fin aux mariages d’enfants, précoces et forcés (MEPF) à travers la récente Résolution adoptée par l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies en décembre 2014 sur cette question.
On October 11, PGA is celebrating the third International Day of the Girl. This year’s theme is ’Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the Cycle of Violence’, which offers an opportunity to call for action against child marriage.
Early and forced marriage is a violation of human rights that affects 39,000 girls every day. Despite the international community’s prohibition of this harmful practice as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Conventions on the
Pakistan National Assembly Passes Landmark “Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Bill 2011”: Authored by Parliamentarians for Global Action Executive Committee Member Dr. Donya Aziz.