
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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PGA Welcomes the Activation of the International Criminal Court's ...

PGA Welcomes the Activation of the International Criminal Court's ...

14 déc. 2017 ... On 17 July 2014, the European Parliament almost unanimously adopted a resolution calling all States to support the activation of the ICC ...
La Slovaquie et le Statut de Rome - Parliamentarians for Global Action

La Slovaquie et le Statut de Rome - Parliamentarians for Global Action

10 déc. 2017 ... ... international pénal, du droit international humanitaire et des droits humains. Le Statut de Rome définit les crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour et ...
2017 Programme: 22nd Annual Defender of Democracy Awards

2017 Programme: 22nd Annual Defender of Democracy Awards

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26 nov. 2017 ... PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR GLOBAL. ACTION (PGA) is the largest non- governmental, cross-party, international network of individual legislators ...
Le Burundi et le Statut de Rome - Parliamentarians for Global Action

Le Burundi et le Statut de Rome - Parliamentarians for Global Action

26 oct. 2017 ... ... Union, Burundi has recognized the importance of the ICC as a mechanism for peace and international justice, and has committed to promote the ratification ...
El Salvador: Dip. Mario Tenorio urges the Government of El ...

El Salvador: Dip. Mario Tenorio urges the Government of El ...

9 oct. 2017 ... Ivan Rosales, Chief of the International Affairs Unit and Parliamentary Diplomacy of the Parliament of El Savador that, on October 4, PGA ...
High-Level Luncheon and Strategic Discussion on the Trust Fund for ...

High-Level Luncheon and Strategic Discussion on the Trust Fund for ...

24 sept. 2017 ... Ana Maria Gomes, MEP, and attended by members of the European Parliament, leadership of the TFV at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and ...
PGA pays tribute to Prof. Cherif Bassiouni, a founding father of the ...

PGA pays tribute to Prof. Cherif Bassiouni, a founding father of the ...

24 sept. 2017 ... PGA pays tribute to Prof. Cherif Bassiouni, a founding father of the International Criminal Court ... The PGA Secretariat and the PGA ...
Dominican Parliamentarians Promote Political Inclusion of LGBTI ...

Dominican Parliamentarians Promote Political Inclusion of LGBTI ...

10 sept. 2017 ... by Gloria Reyes, Member of Parliament from Dominican Republic and PGA member. On July 14, a group of representatives of the LGBTI community ...
Guinea Bissau - News Center - Parliamentarians for Global Action

Guinea Bissau - News Center - Parliamentarians for Global Action

31 août 2017 ... Dep. Suzi Barbosa, Coordinator of the Committee of Women Parliamentarians of Guinea-Bissau, said that the Guinean parliament is committed to ...
PGA welcomes the Malaysian Cabinet's approval of a bill on the ...

PGA welcomes the Malaysian Cabinet's approval of a bill on the ...

7 août 2017 ... ... Parliament soon. This welcomed new development comes only a few days after PGA held on 27 July 2017 a Parliamentary roundtable on the ...