
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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Rencontre du Président de la CPI avec les responsables et membres de PGA en Guinée-Bissau pour faire progresser le processus de ratification du Statut de Rome

Rencontre du Président de la CPI avec les responsables et membres de PGA en Guinée-Bissau pour faire progresser le processus de ratification du Statut de Rome

Les 19 et 20 avril 2022, PGA a soutenu l’engagement des plus hautes autorités de la Guinée-Bissau avec le Président de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), M. le juge Piotr Hofmański.
Dans Actualités
Guerre en Ukraine

Guerre en Ukraine

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. This premeditated, unjustified, and unjustifiable invasion, firmly condemned by PGA, represents an act of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter...
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PGA Statement on Atrocity-Crimes Committed in the Context of the Aggression Against Ukraine

PGA Statement on Atrocity-Crimes Committed in the Context of the Aggression Against Ukraine

PGA joins the forceful statement issued today in Kyiv by the Euromaidan SOS coalition calling for the President of Ukraine to sign into law Act of Parliament No. 2689
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Revue de presse sur la justice internationale - Novembre 2021

Revue de presse sur la justice internationale - Novembre 2021

Évènements Marquants :La CIJ ordonne à la Russie de « suspendre immédiatement » ses opérations militaires en Ukraine
Modernizing the International Criminal Court: Crimes against the Environment, Human Trafficking, Hybrid Justice and Corporate Accountability

Modernizing the International Criminal Court: Crimes against the Environment, Human Trafficking, Hybrid Justice and Corporate Accountability

The International Criminal Court (ICC) turns 20 this year. To enhance its legitimacy and efficacy, the ICC must consider and address innovations.
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Expanding the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: A Project in Cooperation with Harvard Law School

Expanding the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: A Project in Cooperation with Harvard Law School

The PGA Secretariat has taken part in a project aimed at increasing the efficiency and legitimacy of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in collaboration with Harvard Law School Advocates for Human Rights.
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PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

International Law provides that the use of military force in the territories of other States is lawful only if authorized under Chapter VII of the UN Charter or in self-defense against an armed attack or when the territorial State genuinely gives consent.
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Collaborations et Partenariats

Collaborations et Partenariats

PGA contributes to creating an enabling environment for positive changes, especially through activities that facilitate connections between civil society and parliamentarians, as well as building bridges between domestic and international policy-makers an
Dans A propos de PGA
Notre histoire et nos résultats

Notre histoire et nos résultats

L’Action mondiale des parlementaires (PGA) a été créée en 1978 à Washington D.C. par un groupe de parlementaires du monde entier, afin de régler de manière collective, coordonnée et cohérente certains problèmes globaux qui ne peuvent être résolus par un seul gouvernement ou parlement.
Dans A propos de PGA
La tentative de coup d’état en Guinée-Bissau témoigne de la nécessité d’une nouvelle orientation mondiale en faveur de la démocratie et de l’État de droit

La tentative de coup d’état en Guinée-Bissau témoigne de la nécessité d’une nouvelle orientation mondiale en faveur de la démocratie et de l’État de droit

L'Action mondiale des parlementaires condamne fermement le coup d'État manqué à Bissau et exprime ses sincères condoléances aux familles des défenseurs de la démocratie qui ont donné leur vie en résistant aux violents assaillants.
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Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Italy and Sweden Ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute of the ICC on the Crime of Aggression and War Crimes

Leading Parliamentarians from Italy, Sweden and the European Parliament stress the importance of the fight against impunity for international crimes, including the aggressive use of force.
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Letter to President Zelenskyi of Ukraine Urging Decisive Action on the Rome Statute of the ICC

Letter to President Zelenskyi of Ukraine Urging Decisive Action on the Rome Statute of the ICC

Leaders of PGA and its Ukrainian civil society partner, the Center for Civil Liberties (CCL), have written a letter to the President of the Republic of Ukraine urging decisive action towards Ukrainian membership of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
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PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

PGA reaffirms that any military attack directed against Ukrainian territory would be unlawful use of force prohibited by the UN Charter and may qualify as crime of aggression attributable to the individual criminal responsibility of the leader(s).
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Activité de PGA en 2022

Activité de PGA en 2022

Activité de PGA en 2021
Dans Calendrier des évènements
Décembre 2021 : Actualités de la Campagne sur le Statut de Rome

Décembre 2021 : Actualités de la Campagne sur le Statut de Rome

Après un premier semestre toujours marqué par le besoin de s’adapter aux nouvelles réalités, les activités conduites par PGA de juillet à décembre 2021 ont continué à se concentrer sur la nécessité de renforcer le système du Statut de Rome...
Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates: From the Independent Experts Review report to action by the Assembly of States Parties

Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates: From the Independent Experts Review report to action by the Assembly of States Parties

On 10 December 2021, PGA virtually gathered a group of high-level experts and representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs) to discuss the importance of reforming national nomination procedures for the International Criminal Court (ICC) judicial
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The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC

The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC

This side-event analysed the main problems hindering States from joining the ICC, with examples of successes as well as challenges experienced, elucidated from the perspective of Parliamentarians from four countries.
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Working Group on Afghanistan: Legislators Must Continue to Put Pressure on Their Government

Working Group on Afghanistan: Legislators Must Continue to Put Pressure on Their Government

To keep the focus on strategic and efficient actions and considering that the situation in Afghanistan must not be forgotten, PGA, in collaboration with a Malaysian Think Tank, have organized a follow-up meeting to discuss the step
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PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia

PGA Members react to Closing of ICC Preliminary Examination in Colombia

While marking a new chapter of positive complementarity in the country, it is also the first time that the Office concludes such an agreement with a State Party.
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