
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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Biological Security - Weekly Update - September 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - September 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - September 2021
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - August 2021

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - August 2021

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - August 2021
SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2021

SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2021

The Weekly SALW/ATT Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program and provided strictly for informational purposes only.
Joint Statement of Concern on the Rise in Anti-Bahá’í  Propaganda

Joint Statement of Concern on the Rise in Anti-Bahá’í Propaganda

A recent report by the Bahá'í Community of Canada found that “Iran’s state-sponsored campaign of hatred against the Bahá'í Faith has been on the rise across all media platforms, including the web, social media, radio, newspapers, and television.”
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Biological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021
Parliamentarians for Global Action condemns the imprisonment of Member of Parliament Freddy Guevara

Parliamentarians for Global Action condemns the imprisonment of Member of Parliament Freddy Guevara

On 12 July 2021, Member of Parliament and former President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Mr. Freddy Guevara, was a victim of enforced disappearance after being arbitrarily detained for more than 55 hours...
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Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2021
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2021

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2021

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2021
Biological Security - Weekly Update - June 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - June 2021

Biological Security - Weekly Update - June 2021
Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee

Strategic Meeting of the PGA United Nations Advisory Committee

Members of Parliament engage with the Diplomatic Community on priorities of the United Nations Common Agenda
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Croatia ratifies four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes

Croatia ratifies four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes

PGA congratulates Croatia on ratifying four amendments to the Rome Statute on war crimes, including the most recent one on starvation as a punishable offence in non-international armed conflicts.
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Latin American Legislators and Experts Meet to Discuss the Fight against Impunity for International Crimes

Latin American Legislators and Experts Meet to Discuss the Fight against Impunity for International Crimes

Participants and panelists had the opportunity to discuss several situations in the region under the current challenging global context caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the social protests that have taken place in several countries.
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Parliament of Ukraine Adopts Bill to Implement International Criminal and Humanitarian Law

Parliament of Ukraine Adopts Bill to Implement International Criminal and Humanitarian Law

Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) adopted Bill 2689 “On amendments to certain legislative acts on the Enforcement of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law”
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A Space to test out Concepts and Coding
Alerte d’action urgente 5 : Ethiopie

Alerte d’action urgente 5 : Ethiopie

Les autorités en Éthiopie doivent mettre fin aux arrestations arbitraires, aux persécutions politiques et aux meurtres de masse.
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Les Parlementaires autour du monde condamnent le coup d’État au Myanmar

Les Parlementaires autour du monde condamnent le coup d’État au Myanmar

L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires condamne fermement le coup d’État qui a eu lieu aujourd’hui au Myanmar
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Assemblee Parlementaire Paritaire Entre Les États D'afrique, Des Caraïbes Et Du Pacifique Et L'Union Europeenne

Assemblee Parlementaire Paritaire Entre Les États D'afrique, Des Caraïbes Et Du Pacifique Et L'Union Europeenne

L'Assemblée parlementaire paritaire ACP-UE a été créée pour rassembler les représentants élus de l'Union européenne (les membres du Parlement européen) et les représentants élus des États d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (« pays ACP ») qui ont signé l'Accord de Cotonou.
Groupe De Travail De Droit International Public Du Conseil De L'union Européenne

Groupe De Travail De Droit International Public Du Conseil De L'union Européenne

PGA est régulièrement invitée par l'UE avec d'autres ONG pour présenter des briefings et des analyses et partager une évaluation des défis et avancées pertinentes sur la lutte contre l'impunité, dans le but d’informer les États membres de l'UE et les institutions européennes concernées participant au COJUR.
Parlement Européen

Parlement Européen

The European Parliament and its individual members have been at the forefront of multilateral efforts to establish, consolidate and expand the membership of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
COVID-19 Resources 2020

COVID-19 Resources 2020

The current global health crisis requires a global response. Parliamentarians have a key role to play during the pandemic.