
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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Votre recherche retourne ces 245 résultats. Afficher 81 à 100.
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Impact of COVID-19 on Democracy and Human Rights: Resources for Parliamentarians

Impact of COVID-19 on Democracy and Human Rights: Resources for Parliamentarians

The current global health crisis requires a global response. Parliamentarians have a key role to play during the pandemic.
SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2022

SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - July 2022

The Weekly SALW/ATT Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program and provided strictly for informational purposes only.
Dans APAL/TCA (mises à jour hebdomadaires)
Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2022

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - July 2022

The Weekly Nuclear/Radiological Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program.
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - July 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - July 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - July 2022
Juin 2022 : Actualités de la Campagne sur le Statut de Rome

Juin 2022 : Actualités de la Campagne sur le Statut de Rome

L'avalanche de crises graves auxquelles le monde a été confronté au cours des six derniers mois a provoqué un combat remarquable pour la justice mondiale et l'impunité.
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - June 2022
Revue de presse sur la justice internationale - Mai 2022

Revue de presse sur la justice internationale - Mai 2022

La mise à jour de PGA sur la justice internationale est une ressource pour nos membres et le grand public sur les gros titres concernant le fossé de l'impunité, les développements législatifs et parlementaires et les nouvelles judiciaires.
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - May 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - May 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - May 2022
Rencontre du Président de la CPI avec les responsables et membres de PGA en Guinée-Bissau pour faire progresser le processus de ratification du Statut de Rome

Rencontre du Président de la CPI avec les responsables et membres de PGA en Guinée-Bissau pour faire progresser le processus de ratification du Statut de Rome

Les 19 et 20 avril 2022, PGA a soutenu l’engagement des plus hautes autorités de la Guinée-Bissau avec le Président de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), M. le juge Piotr Hofmański.
Dans Actualités
Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - April 2022

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - April 2022

The Weekly Nuclear/Radiological Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program.
SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - April 2022

SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - April 2022

The Weekly SALW/ATT Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program and provided strictly for informational purposes only.
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - March 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - March 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - March 2022
SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - March 2022

SALW/ATT - Weekly Updates - March 2022

The Weekly SALW/ATT Update is prepared by the International Peace and Security Program and provided strictly for informational purposes only.
PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

PGA Firmly Condemns the Aggressive War Launched by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

International Law provides that the use of military force in the territories of other States is lawful only if authorized under Chapter VII of the UN Charter or in self-defense against an armed attack or when the territorial State genuinely gives consent.
Dans Actualités
Collaborations et Partenariats

Collaborations et Partenariats

PGA contributes to creating an enabling environment for positive changes, especially through activities that facilitate connections between civil society and parliamentarians, as well as building bridges between domestic and international policy-makers an
Dans A propos de PGA
Biological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022

Biological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022

Biological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - February 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - February 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - February 2022
Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022

Nuclear and Radiological Security - Weekly Update - February 2022
Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - January 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - January 2022

Cybersecurity - Weekly Update - January 2022
COVID-19 Resources 2021

COVID-19 Resources 2021

The current global health crisis requires a global response. Parliamentarians have a key role to play during the pandemic.