
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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Le Guatemala et le Statut de Rome

Le Guatemala et le Statut de Rome

Guatemala after 36 years of civil war, from 1960 to 1996, became the 121st State Party of Rome Statue.
Haïti et le Statut de Rome

Haïti et le Statut de Rome

PGA has worked with Parliamentarians from Haiti since 2007 promoting the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes, and currently promoting ratification and domestic implementation of the Rome Statute.
Le Honduras et le Statut de Rome

Le Honduras et le Statut de Rome

Honduras signed the Rome Statute on 7 October 1998, and ratified it on 1st July 2002, becoming the 76th State Party
L’Inde et le Statut de Rome

L’Inde et le Statut de Rome

Currently, India is one of PGA’s target countries for the Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC. The PGA ILHR team is working very closely with the Indian National Group consisting of over 20 Members of Parliament from India to promote the accession of
L’Indonésie et le Statut de Rome

L’Indonésie et le Statut de Rome

The involvement of Parliamentarians in PGA’s global, regional events and nationals has had the aim of creating a network in support of the ICC and for political multi-partisan mobilisation in order to complete the steps for accession.
L’Irak et le Statut de Rome

L’Irak et le Statut de Rome

Iraq has not ratified the Rome Statute. On 1 March 2005, Iraq’s interim Government withdrew its accession to the Rome Statute and cancelled its earlier decision to join the ICC.
L’Irlande et le Statut de Rome

L’Irlande et le Statut de Rome

L'Irlande a signé le Statut de Rome le 7 octobre 1998 et l'a ratifié le 11 avril 2002.
L’Italie et le Statut de Rome

L’Italie et le Statut de Rome

Italy signed on 18 July 1998 and ratified on 26 July 1999 (adoption of Law No. 232), becoming the 4th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
La Jamaïque et le Statut de Rome

La Jamaïque et le Statut de Rome

Jamaica is one of the few Caribbean countries that has yet to become a State Party of the International Criminal Court.
Le Japon et le Statut de Rome

Le Japon et le Statut de Rome

PGA a contribué à la ratification par le Japon du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale.
La Jordanie et le Statut de Rome

La Jordanie et le Statut de Rome

The Rome Statute was signed on 7 October, 1998 and was ratified on 11 of April, 2002.
Le Kenya et le Statut de Rome

Le Kenya et le Statut de Rome

Kenya signed the Rome Statute on 11 August 1999 and ratified the Rome Statute on 15 May 2005.
Le Liban et le Statut de Rome

Le Liban et le Statut de Rome

PGA has worked with Lebanese legislators since 2005 promoting the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes. PGA is currently promoting accession to the Rome Statute and of the incorporation of the crimes under the Rome Statute into legislation.
Madagascar et le Statut de Rome

Madagascar et le Statut de Rome

Since 2002, PGA has been working in Madagascar, promoting the fight against impunity notably through the ratification and the domestic implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Le Malawi et le Statut de Rome

Le Malawi et le Statut de Rome

Rome Statute signed on 3 March 1999 and deposited the instrument of ratification of the same Statute on 19 September 2002.
La Malaisie et le Statut de Rome

La Malaisie et le Statut de Rome

Malaysia participated in the July 1998 Rome Conference that adopted the ICC Statute with 120 votes in favor but has yet to accede to the Rome Statute.
Les Maldives et le Statut de Rome

Les Maldives et le Statut de Rome

On 14 June 2011, the Parliaments of the Maldives adopted legislation to accede to the Rome Statute. The Maldives deposited its instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute on 21 September 2011.
Le Mexique et le Statut de Rome

Le Mexique et le Statut de Rome

Le Mexique a signé le Statut de Rome le 7 septembre 2000 et l'a ratifié le 28 octobre 2005, devenant ainsi le 100e État partie.