
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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Members of the Parliament of Ukraine visit the International Criminal Court

Members of the Parliament of Ukraine visit the International Criminal Court

PGA organized this week a visit to The Hague and the International Criminal Court by a Delegation of Members of the Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, the Parliament of Ukraine.
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Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Iraq from PGA on the ratification of the Rome Statute

Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Iraq from PGA on the ratification of the Rome Statute

The people of Iraq have recently suffered a tragic history. Enough is enough: peace and justice must now go “hand-in-hand” and there has to be an end to impunity for the most serious crimes affecting the civilian populations of Iraq.
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Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas

Sub-Regional Working Group on Challenges for the Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system in the Americas

The intense activities and discussions brought together over 25 Parliamentarians from 12 different Latin American States.
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Iraq: PGA Calls on Iraq to Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Iraq: PGA Calls on Iraq to Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

PGA Members from 139 countries worldwide, under the leadership of PGA President Ross Robertson (Assistant Speaker of the Parliament of New Zealand), urge the international community to increase its humanitarian assistance in Iraq.
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Gaza: PGA Calls for a Lasting Cessation of Violence

Gaza: PGA Calls for a Lasting Cessation of Violence

Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) welcomes the ceasefire between both sides of the conflict in the Gaza Strip and in Israel and calls for a lasting cessation of violence.
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ICC Signs Agreement with the MERCOSUR Parliament

ICC Signs Agreement with the MERCOSUR Parliament

Judge Sang Hyun Song, President of the ICC, has travelled to Montevideo, Uruguay in order to sign an Exchange of Letters between the ICC andPARLASUR for the establishment of a framework agreement for cooperation between the ICC and PARLASUR
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Les Membres De Pga Preoccupes Par La Montee De Violence Ayant Suivi L’accord De Ce Ssez Le Feu En Repub Lique Centrafricaine

Les Membres De Pga Preoccupes Par La Montee De Violence Ayant Suivi L’accord De Ce Ssez Le Feu En Repub Lique Centrafricaine

PGA note, avec une vive préoccupation les allégations selon lesquelles le cessez - le feu a déjà été rompu et que la violence a re pris dans diverses zones du territoire.
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PGA Convenes DRC, Ugandan and UK MPs for Resolution to Fight Impunity for International Crimes

PGA Convenes DRC, Ugandan and UK MPs for Resolution to Fight Impunity for International Crimes

MPs from the DRC, Uganda and the UK met at the Parliament of Uganda to discuss how to best cooperate in fighting impunity for international crimes under the complementarity principle of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
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European Parliament Adopts Resolution Calling On States To Ratify The Kampala Amendments

European Parliament Adopts Resolution Calling On States To Ratify The Kampala Amendments

PGA welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of the Resolution on the crime of aggression (Kampala Amendments).
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Parliamentary Conference to Give Full Effect to the Principle of Complementarity in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Parliamentary Conference to Give Full Effect to the Principle of Complementarity in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

PGA convened a “Parliamentary Conference and Peers’ Review Roundtable: Giving Full Effect to Principle of Complementarity Efforts in Uganda and the DR Congo”
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PGA Members in Sweden Support Universal Jurisdiction and Global Justice

PGA Members in Sweden Support Universal Jurisdiction and Global Justice

PGA Members welcome the entry into force of Sweden’s new Act on criminal responsibility for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as an important step towards the universal and effective implementation of the Rome Statute and the ICC.
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Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Togo 26-27 June, Lomé, Togo

Consultations on the fight against impunity and the ratification of the Rome Statute by Togo 26-27 June, Lomé, Togo

On 26 and 27 June, PGA conducted a field mission in Lomé, Togo, in the framework of the PGA Campaign for the Universality and Effectiveness of the Rome Statute system (Campaign for the Rome Statute of the ICC) to generate political will for the fight agai
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Experts Sessions on the Rome Statute in El Salvador

Experts Sessions on the Rome Statute in El Salvador

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, thanks to the leadership role of PGA Member Dip. Sigfrido Reyes, Speaker of El Salvador’s Parliament, with the assistance of the PGA and the essential cooperation of the ICC, organized on 23 June the first hear
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PGA Executive Committee member Mark Pritchard, MP (UK) calls for ICC to investigate war crimes in the Central African Republic and ensure people responsible are brought to justice

PGA Executive Committee member Mark Pritchard, MP (UK) calls for ICC to investigate war crimes in the Central African Republic and ensure people responsible are brought to justice

PGA Executive Committee member Mark Pritchard, MP (UK) calls for ICC to investigate war crimes in the Central African Republic and ensure people responsible are brought to justice.
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Les membres de PGA demandent au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU de déférer la situation en Syrie au Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale

Les membres de PGA demandent au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU de déférer la situation en Syrie au Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale

Since March 2011, the conflict in Syria has reportedly led to the death of more than 150,000 persons, predominantly civilians, the displacement of over 6.5 million and the flight of more than 2.5 million Syrians...
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PGA Members Present Strategy for Cooperation Between The Mercosur Parliament And The International Criminal Court

PGA Members Present Strategy for Cooperation Between The Mercosur Parliament And The International Criminal Court

Montevideo: On May 12, 2014, the Board of the MERCOSUR Parliament received a delegation of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) integrated by Dip. Felipe Michelini, PGA’s Executive Committee member and Convenor of the International Law and Human Right
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Parlementaires Du Monde Entier Celebrent La Ratification De La Slovaquie Des Amendements De Kampala

Parlementaires Du Monde Entier Celebrent La Ratification De La Slovaquie Des Amendements De Kampala

Parliamentarians Around the World Celebrate Slovakia’s Ratification of the Kampala Amendments
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PGA Mourns the Passing of Hon. A.N.R. Robinson, Founder of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program

PGA Mourns the Passing of Hon. A.N.R. Robinson, Founder of PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program

The Honorable Mr. Arthur N.R. Robinson, former President and Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, and esteemed former member of PGA, created PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program and its Campaign for the International Criminal Court.
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PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co.

PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co.

PGA Members applaud US government’s renewed efforts to arrest Joseph Kony & Co. Press Releases News Center
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PGA Members Condemn Visit of President al-Bashir to the DRC and call the Congolese authorities to arrest him

PGA Members Condemn Visit of President al-Bashir to the DRC and call the Congolese authorities to arrest him

PGA members condemn the visit of President Al Bashir to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and call the Congolese authorities to fulfil their obligations to cooperate with the International Criminal Court under the Rome Statute of the ICC
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