Today, the Republic of Argentina signed its third and fourth cooperation agreements with the International Criminal Court (ICC), on interim release and the release of persons.
M. Bosco Ntaganda est accusé de 13 chefs de crimes de guerre et de 5 chefs de crimes contre l’humanité, qui auraient été commis en Ituri en 2002 et 2003, à la fin de la Deuxième Guerre du Congo.
PGA urges Myanmar to stop the on-going systematic persecution of Rohingyas and to ratify the Rome Statute and thus demonstrate the country’s commitment to criminal justice and human rights.
A delegation of PGA including the lawmakers Ms. Macarena Gelman (Uruguay), Ms. Olena Sotnyk, MP (Ukraine), Mr. Keong Siong Su, MP (Malaysia) participated in the 16th Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
71 years after the historic judgement at Nuremberg by the International Military Tribunal, another international jurisdiction may be able to adjudicate on the responsibility of leaders who engage in aggressive wars: The International Criminal Court.
Les 27 et 28 novembre 2017, PGA a organisé le Forum de Milan pour l’action parlementaire pour la prévention de l’extrémisme violent et les atrocités de masse.
L’Action mondiale des parlementaires organisait le 27 octobre 2017 à Niamey (Niger) une table-ronde sur la mise en œuvre pleine et entière du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale en droit national.
PGA organized a strategic discussion on how the support for the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the ICC can be integrated into a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy of private companies.
PGA will organize a luncheon and strategic discussion on how the support for the TFV can be integrated into a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy.