
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

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PGA Consultations on the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED)

PGA Consultations on the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED)

Legislators from Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, the UAE and Yemen met in Manama, Bahrain under the auspices of Parliamentarians for Global Action and its members Dr. Salah Ali, MP (Al Menbar) and Mr. Khalil Al-Marzooq, MP (Al Wefaq) members of the Majlis Al Nu
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 Paramaribo Parliamentary Seminar on International Justice and Security

Paramaribo Parliamentary Seminar on International Justice and Security

Since March 2004, PGA Board Member Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP has been leading the work within the National Assembly of Suriname to make possible the accession of Suriname to the Rome Statute. In July 2007, she formed a multi-party working group on the ICC
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PGA Japan Strategy Meeting on the ICC and the Responsibility to Protect

PGA Japan Strategy Meeting on the ICC and the Responsibility to Protect

On 14 May 2008, PGA Japan Group adopted a resolution that calls on the government of Japan to be prepared to adopt targeted sanctions against the individuals bearing responsibility for the non-compliance of Sudan with Security Council Resolution 1593...
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PGA Delegation to 15th Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly

PGA Delegation to 15th Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly

A spirited debate re-launched the political commitment in support of the universality and effectiveness of the new system of international criminal justice within the North-South cooperation framework of the ACP-EU.
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Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries

Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries

The President of the Parliament of Portugal, Dr. Antonio de Almeida Santos, opened the “Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone countries” on Monday, 19 February 2001 in the Senate Hall of the Congress in Lisbon.
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