
Guide Parlementaire Promouvoir La Signature, La Ratification Et La Mise En Oeuvre Du Traité Sur Le Commerce Des Armes
Les parlementaires jouent un rôle unique et fondamental dans la promotion de la signature, de la ratification et de la mise en œuvre du Traité sur le commerce des armes.
Les parlementaires jouent un rôle unique et fondamental dans la promotion de la signature, de la ratification et de la mise en œuvre du Traité sur le commerce des armes.
En tant que pouvoir législatif du gouvernement, le parlement et les parlementaires ont apporté et continueront d'apporter d'importantes contributions à la mise en place d'un traité solide, qui puisse être ratifié et mis en œuvre par le plus grand nombre de pays.
Compte tenu de leur fonction et du fait qu'ils opèrent en étroite liaison avec les acteurs principaux du pouvoir législatif du gouvernement, les parlementaires sont en mesure d'exercer une influence considérable et positive sur les décisions de signature, de ratification et de mise en œuvre du TCA de leurs pays respectifs.
Le but de ce guide parlementaire est de mettre en exergue, de manière claire et efficace, les nombreux moyens, mais d’importance égale, dont disposent les parlementaires pour agir avec de manière sûre et mettre en avant le TCA pour un avenir prometteur.
Il est donc à espérer que les parlementaires du monde entier trouveront dans ce guide un instrument de référence utile pour différentes et nombreuses initiatives législatives et de plaider qu'ils en place afin d'assurer l'universalité du TCA.
Additional Details
- Type de publication: Handbook
- Date de publication: 24 July, 2013
- Auteur.e.s: Parliamentarians for Global Action
I am confident that this PGA Parliamentary Handbook on the ATT will become an indispensable reference source for Members of Parliament worldwide who are serious about seeking early ratification and robust implementation of the ATT in their respective countries. PGA is the only Parliamentary Organization Member of the Steering Board of Control Arms, and for the past 4 years we have worked tirelessly to promote the establishment of the ATT. Our Peace & Democracy Program remains committed to securing the entry into force of the ATT as soon as possible. PGA President Ross Robertson MP (Assistant Speaker of Parliament/New Zealand)
Both the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government in my country have been strong supporters of the ATT and I was very pleased that Suriname was one of the 65 countries that signed the ATT on the first day it was opened for signature on June 3, 2013. Parliamentarians worldwide have played a pivotal role in making the ATT a robust reality. We must now keep up the momentum and ensure that it is signed and ratified in all of our respective countries without delay. In this regard, the PGA Parliamentary Handbook on the ATT will be an invaluable reference source for legislators all over the world as we strive to ensure the ATT's entry into force as soon as is possible. PGA Executive Committee Member Ruth Wijdenbosch MP (Deputy Speaker of Parliament/Suriname)
Members of Parliament in all UN Member States must do all what they can to promote early ratification and implementation of the ATT. We must endeavor to ensure that it enters into force within the shortest time frame possible. In publishing this Parliamentary Handbook on the ATT, PGA has done an enormous service in providing to MPs worldwide with vital guidance on how to achieve this goal. PGA Executive Committee Member Thilanga Sumatipala MP (Sri Lanka)
I wholeheartedly welcome the publication of the PGA Parliamentary Handbook on the Arms Trade Treaty. With agreement on the ATT earlier this year, and in our efforts to secure the entry into force of the ATT as soon as possible, I am sure that this Handbook will become essential reading for Members of Parliament around the world. PGA Executive Committee Member and Treasurer Margareta Cederfelt MP (Sweden)
I am very pleased that my country, Turkey, recently signed the Arms Trade Treaty. Now is the time to build capacity of Members of Parliament around the world to promote early signature, ratification and entry into force of the ATT. In this respect, I believe this PGA Parliamentary Handbook is an idea whose time has certainly come and will make an important contribution to achieving – in time – universality of application of the ATT. PGA Executive Committee Member Yusuf Ziya Irbec MP (Turkey)
In advancing the cause of the ATT, in advocating for the ATT as well as in promoting its ratification and implementation, MPs have a multi-layered set of prerogatives at their disposal to make meaningful progress on all these fronts. It is for this reason that I highly commend the publication of this PGA Parliamentary Handbook on the ATT. PGA Member Senator David Musila MP (Kenya) (former Assistant Minister of Defence)
To obtain a print copy of the PGA Parliamentary Handbook Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty and/or for further information on PGA’s Global Parliamentary Campaign for Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the ATT, please contact Peter Barcroft, Director of Projects, PGA at . Read more about PGA's Campaign to Address the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).