
Rapport annuel de PGA 1999
(disponible en anglais)
President's Message
It seems that the years go by faster and faster; already the year 2001 is almost upon us and I suspect too soon we will find it to be 2010 or 2050. Hopefully we will also notice an improvement in the world, not just because of scientific advancements or civic or international awareness, but also because of all our hard work to that end. PGA is an organization that has a great impact on the future, and I hope every member realizes this in the present and works now for what may seem to be that far-off future.
First off, let me explain for those of you who may not have heard why I am writing this report instead of Mr. Moses Katjiuongua. Although he was elected to be PGA's president for two more years in 1998, he resigned from parliament on June 3, 1999 to run for President of Namibia. Moses will be greatly missed, not only because he was an outstanding President of PGA and a fine colleague, but also because he was a great friend. I was deeply honored that he requested I take his place as interim President of PGA.
This year PGA held its 21st Annual Forum entitled 'Eradicating Global Poverty' on September 29-30, which struggled with the heartbreaking and unnecessary issue of poverty. PGA also gave its 4th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards to Dr. Hanan Mikhail-Ashrawi, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH); and Mr. John Hume, MP, MEP (Northern Ireland). Both of them were recognized for their contributions towards ending highly complicated and long-standing conflicts within their respective countries. PGA also continued to strengthen its ties with US legislatures with a delegation to Congress and a reception at the Washington home of Stewart Mott on October 4-6.
As part of the Peace and Democracy Program, PGA held a briefing and discussion session on Haiti at the United Nations in New York on March 30; a luncheon discussion on East Timor also in New York on March 31; and a briefing of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs on 'Democratization in Africa' on April 1.
Additionally, PGA reaffirmed its original purpose of nuclear disarmament by creating the Parliamentary Network on Nuclear Disarmament, which has been working on the New Agenda Coalition.
For the Sustainable Development and Population Program, PGA held a workshop in New York on 'Meeting ICPD Commitments' in collaboration with Population Action International (PAI) on March 26; held a conference on the !CPD Agenda in Dakar, Senegal on April 19-21; and sent a delegation to The Hague International Forum on Population on February 8-14.
1999 also saw the beginning of PGA's Junior Parliamentary Officers program with the placement of Mr. Staffan Lindberg and Mr. Per Bjfilkander, both from Sweden, in Ghana and Senegal respectively, to assist with the Sustainable Development and Population Program work in those countries.
PGA's Empowerment of Women Program held a panel entitled 'If Women Ruled the World' on May 19 at The Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in the Netherlands. During 1999 the Program also launched Women In Legislation League (WILL). an online information resource for gender-related/ legislation.
The International Law and Human Rights Program held two briefing sessions on ICC Ratification and Implementation, in collaboration with Prof. M. Cherif Bassiouni of the International Human Rights Law Institute of DePaul University, on July 31 and August 7 at the United Nations in New York. This stems from PGA's agreement with the Institute to provide technical assistance to select parliaments in facilitating the ICC ratification process. Additionally, as a member of the NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court, we have launched a ratification campaign focusing on signatory coun - tries that hold PGA membership.
PGA has accomplished a number of things in 1999 as can be seen above. I look forward to the work we will embark on in the year 2000 and beyond.
PGA's President, Mr. Allan Rogers, MP (UK)
Additional Details
- Type de publication: Annual Report
- Auteur.e.s: Parliamentarians for Global Action