
Rapport annuel de PGA 1996
(disponible en anglais)
A Message From PGA's International Presidents: Passing the Torch
Message from 1996 International President, Mr. Murli Deora (India)
One of PGA's roles should be to reinforce the principle of accountability that must exist between the international community, the elected representatives and the local stakeholder-the totality of citizens who have an interest in how their government develops economic and social policy for their nation, in what has become a global economy.
At all times, we parliamentarians try to maintain a broad view of the changing domestic political terrain. In order to effectively articulate a vision for social policy, legislators must negotiate equity issues, social mobility issues, and empowerment issues in an environment of political and economic flux.
Parliamentarians are, above all, intermediaries between the executive branch of government and the needs and aspirations of civil society, and, therefore, are uniquely placed to negotiate this balance. We need only look to PGA's network to recognize the immense influence we can bring to bear on this formidable challenge.
It has been a very rewarding two years presiding over such a dynamic network of parliamentarians as PGA. I am delighted and, indeed, proud that one of the finest politicians from Africa has been elected to lead PGA in 1997. As I pass the torch to Mr. Moses Katjiuongua (Namibia) , I wish him the best luck and offer my commitment to work with PGA as a member of civil society.
Message from 1997 International President, Mr. Moses Katjiuongua (Namibia)
As we near the dawn of the 21st century, political and economic decision-making has become more complex and more sophisticated than ever before in history. Indeed, the process of governing now needs more vision, conceptualization, communication, and intellect. And governing is still more complicated in a democracy where governments and legislators must satisfy so many diverse segments of society.
Opportunities, risks, and threats are involved. However, democracy, not dictatorship, is a necessary precondition for social and economic development. A free flow of ideas creates a wealthy, healthy, and challenging environment for a fearless and multidirectional interaction between politicians, the business community, the world of academia, and civil society.
It is my fervent belief and hope that our work at PGA will serve as a catalyst for further action on these issues and make a lasting impact on the future of our global community, and that the tradition of personal commitment passed on by my predecessor, Murli Deora, will continue to flourish at PGA.
Additional Details
- Type de publication: Annual Report
- Auteur.e.s: Parliamentarians for Global Action