
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Join PGA in virtual attendance of the UN High-Level Debate on the Ocean

Join PGA in virtual attendance of the UN High-Level Debate on the Ocean

On June 1, 2021 please join PGA in virtual attendance of the UN High-Level Debate on the Ocean convened during the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly.

The President of the General Assembly has convened this meeting to support the positive momentum of implementation of SDG14, and to provide a progress update on the achievement of SDG14 and the ocean related goals

The one-day high-level thematic debate will feature four multi-stakeholder panels. The panels will also provide an opportunity for UN Member States to engage in an interactive discussion with representatives from the relevant funds, programmes and agencies of the UN System that are delivering on the vision for a healthy ocean, for people and for planet

These interactive discussions serve as a reminder of the commitments that were made in PGA's Praia Plan of Action, and as an opportunity to engage colleagues and other government officials regarding the ratification of the IMO's Cape Town Agreement and the creation of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

Dernières Nouvelles : Campagne sur les océans

Mobilization must be stronger. A huge international movement is taking shape, led by the States already calling for a moratorium.

Without oceans, no life on earth. The statement is clear.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-fishing-boat-722995/

This meeting brought parliamentarians from the National Assembly of Mozambique together with the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, experts, and civil society representatives to reflect on opportunities to support the sustainable development of small-scale fisheries in Mozambique.

Building Resilience in Small-Scale Fishing Communities in South Africa: 3rd and 4th Roundtable Discussions

These Roundtable Discussions on Building Resilience in Small-Scale Fishing Communities in South Africa, informed by expert presentations and local insights, sought to identify specific next steps that lawmakers may take to improve the livelihoods of their coastal constituents.