Dodoma/ Dar-es-Salaam/ New York/ The Hague
PGA is pleased to have been informed earlier today that the Government of The United Republic of Tanzania has ratified on August 14th, 2019 the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC), thereby becoming the 183rd State Party. PGA wholeheartedly congratulates the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. Particular tribute is also paid by PGA to Hon. Jasson Samson Rweikiza, MP, esteemed Chair of the PGA National Group in the United Republic of Tanzania, for his assiduous and unrelenting advocacy in support of the ratification of the BWC since 2016.
I am very pleased that the Government of Tanzania has deposited its Instrument of Ratification of the Biological Weapons Convention. This step represents the culmination of a number of years of efforts by a diverse range of stakeholders, including the PGA National Group in the Parliament of Tanzania. I look forward to progressing implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention in Tanzania in the coming months. Hon. Jasson Samson Rweikiza, MP, Chair of PGA National Group in Tanzania Hon. Jasson Samson Rweikiza, MP, Chair of PGA National Group in Tanzania
While the global community is today confronted by a myriad of grave threats to international peace and security, one of the most serious of these threats is the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) - in particular, the possibility of acquisition and use of such terrible weapons by terrorists and terrorist organizations. It is incumbent upon all of us in a position to do so, to take all steps possible to push back and mitigate this threat. Ratifying and implementing relevant international treaties is an important part of this process. I, therefore, want to strongly congratulate the Government of Tanzania for having ratified the Biological Weapons Convention. I am aware that PGA Member Hon. Jasson Rweikiza MP, Chair of the PGA National Group has worked tirelessly for this result since 2016 and congratulate him wholeheartedly also for his own vital contributions leading up to this momentous day. I hope his own example, and those of a number of other PGA Members in supporting the universalization and implementation of the BWC, will now be followed by those few remaining countries worldwide that have yet to become States Parties to the BWC. Hon. Naveed Qamar, MP (Pakistan), PGA Executive Committee Member, Co-Convenor of PGA’s International Peace and Security Program, >Former Minister of Defense of Pakistan Hon. Naveed Qamar, MP (Pakistan)
I am very pleased to hear that the Government of Tanzania has deposited its Instrument of Ratification of the Biological Weapons Convention. Many and diverse threats to peace and security exist around the world today, and in all regions. One particular - and ever-growing concern - is that every step must be taken to prevent access, use and manufacture of Biological Weapons - something which has become alarmingly easier to do in recent years - with advances in technology and science. The threat of use of such terrible weapons comes not only from potential rogue governments but also some Non State Actors, including terrorist organizations who have only contempt for human life as we know it. Tanzanian PGA member Hon. Jasson Rweikiza, MP, has made a big effort leading to this result, in particular bringing together parliamentarians and government officials and is to be highly commended for his decisive contributions. Hon. Antonio Niquice, MP (Mozambique), PGA Executive Committee Member, Co-Convenor of PGA’s International Peace and Security Program Hon. Antonio Niquice, MP (Mozambique
Acknowledgments and Way Forward
This historic achievement was also facilitated by the important advocacy, démarches and other outreach efforts, over a number of years, by a number of national governments, organizations and individuals, foremost among them, the Implementation Support Unit (ISU) of the Biological Weapons Convention at the United Nations in Geneva, whose many, vital initiatives in this arena worldwide PGA is honored and pleased to support and compliment.
PGA respectfully wishes to encourage the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania now to commence the process of preparation and introduction of legislation to give full effect to the BWC in its implementation into the national law of Tanzania. PGA's National Group in the Parliament of Tanzania stands ready to assist and move forward this process.
PGA is grateful to Global Affairs Canada and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry for their kind support of PGA's Global Parliamentary Campaign to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004).