Parliament of New Zealand
18th November, 2016
Statement By Hon. Su’a William Sio, MP, Convenor of PGA Peace & Democracy Program
Mr Speaker;
There are many threats in the world. Climate change is one and we've debated this topic earlier. We've also debated the threats to our Pacific resources, especially our fisheries and minerals. But there are other threats that exist in the world such as biological weapons and the trading of conventional weapons. We in the Pacific must take an interest in these instruments and not think that is something that only happens in other parts of the world. We must be interested, and while our focus is local, we must also be interested in what is happening globally.
There are many international organizations that individual parliaments or individual MPs can join and participate in to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the world. In our Parliament, we are members of IPU and the CPA and many others. We also have a group of NZ MPs that are members of Parliamentarians for Global Action. Some of you are also members of PGA. PGA is a global organization of individual MPs that has a strong focus on promoting International Peace and Security. We do so by encouraging Parliamentarians to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty and the Biological Weapons Convention.
The Arms Trade Treaty is about regulating the sale and trade of conventional weapons. It is about ensuring weapons don't end up in the wrong hands. It is about keeping peace and security in this world.
PGA held a workshop in Tonga last year and brought a number of Speakers and MPs to discuss the ratification and implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty. Today I want to encourage strongly that Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands ratify ATT at the soonest opportunity.
We must take this stance in order to show the rest of the world that we are committed to peace, security and the rule of law. If we are to expect the rest of the world to sign up and ratify Climate Change, then we must also do our part and ratify the ATT.
Similarly the Biological Weapons Convention is about prohibiting the development, production, and stockpiling of biological weapons. I encourage Samoa, Tuvalu, Kiribati and Niue to ratify the Biological Weapons Convention urgently. I'm aware that Samoa's Foreign Affairs officials are advancing this work and MPs should support it.
Again we must do our part and send a very strong message that we in the Pacific are committed to peace, security and law & order for our region and for all people's throughout the world. If we expect the world to come to our aid on climate change, we must also be prepared to do our part and support the ATT and BWC for the sake of our world.
I would be happy to discuss how each of you can participate in this important work. It's important to play our part as we expect the rest of the world to do their part in fighting the threat of climate change.
Thank you for listening.