
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Statement by PGA Member Dr. Azis Syamsuddin MP, Member of Committee III (Law and Security) of Parliament of Indonesia

Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin and PGA Secretary General, David Donat Cattin at the Global Parliamentary Conference on the World Bank and the IMF (Washington, 2018).
Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin and PGA Secretary General, David Donat Cattin at the Global Parliamentary Conference on the World Bank and the IMF (Washington, 2018).

Jakarta, 13th June, 2018

On behalf of the PGA Indonesia members, I strongly supported the adoption in Parliament in May 2018 of the New Anti-Terrorism Law in Indonesia, which, among other matters, imposes up to 20 years' imprisonment sentences for those who import explosives or components such as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or radioactive weapons for terrorism purposes into the country, or make, receive or possess them, as this is a key tool to prevent attacks by extremists and violent actors who want to disrupt democracy and human rights in our peaceful society. PGA Member Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin
Member of Commission III (Law and Security)


In December 2015 PGA launched its Global Parliamentary Campaign for Universality and Implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. In the past two and a half years, PGA Members have made decisive contributions leading to the ratification of the BWC by Liberia, Nepal, Samoa and, it is anticipated later in 2018, Niue and Tanzania. PGA Members also made important contributions to the recent ratification of the BWC by Cote d'Ivoire, Angola and Guinea. PGA Members in Latin America, Africa and Asia Pacific continue to take many important, decisive and catalytic steps to promote universality and full implementation of the BWC.

Dernières Nouvelles : Campagne sur la Biosécurité et la Santé

By Wikimedia Commons, User:Andux, User:Vardion, and Simon Eugster, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1116038

Recent media articles encourage their governments to take positive steps.

Statement by former PGA Member Hon. Kindness Paradza on the domestication of the Biological Weapons Convention in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Government has domesticated the UN Biological Weapons Convention by drafting the Biological Weapons Bill.

South Sudan deposited its Instrument of Accession to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) with the US State Department, Washington D.C, becoming the 185th State Party to the BWC

PGA félicite chaleureusement le gouvernement du Sud-Soudan à l'occasion de ce dépôt d'instrument d'adhésion à la CIAB, malgré les nombreux défis auxquels il est actuellement confronté au niveau national.