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PGA Statement on Colombia’s Cease-fire Agreement with FARC

New York/The Hague/Havana/Bogota:

PGA welcomes the signing of a definitive cease-fire agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This agreement governing cessation of hostilities is a historic development in Colombia`s peace process. After half a century of conflict, this step represents a watershed development and moment in securing peace, stability and reinforcement of the Rule of Law in Colombia and the region.

The Agreement calls upon the parties to respect all of its provisions and to proceed with signing the final peace accord. PGA is of the opinion that this agreement is also a vital, first step towards the fulfillment of the victims’ human rights to know the truth and access to justice and reparations.  If this Agreement will be fulfilled, it will deter the repetition of crimes against humanity and war crimes in the future, hence boosting reconciliation and ensuring a stable and lasting peace.

Since the PGA’s 35th Annual Forum in 2013 supporting the peace process in Colombia, PGA members have repeatedly affirmed that there can be no peace without justice and have been calling for accountability within the framework of the peace process. Victims of both sides to the conflict were invited to address the Parliament within the framework of the same Panel on the inalienable rights of victims under International Law, including the Rome Statute of the ICC to which Colombia is a State Party.

The accord for “A Bilateral and Definitive Ceasefire, Cessation of Hostilities, and Laying Aside of Weapons,” closes the fifth of five substantive items on the FARC-government negotiating agenda and represents a final step in peace negotiations that started in 2012. In addition to a framework for a ceasefire, both sides have agreed on a demobilisation plan providing that rebels will be concentrated in rural areas under government protection and will hand over weapons to UN monitors. The peace accord gives the disarmament process a six-month time limit. The agreement also includes certain security guarantees for the FARC members during its transition to a peaceful political party.

Although a final peace deal- expected to be concluded within a month- will require approval in a referendum, the formal cessation of hostilities between the two main parties and the FARC’s acceptance of disarmament, are key steps towards resolving a 50-year conflict that has caused more than 250,000 deaths and the displacement of more than 6 million people.

Selected Statements from PGA board members

I express my strongest support for this important development in the peace process in Colombia. I commend both parties for the concerted and relentless efforts to identify mutually agreed steps necessary to the attainment of durable peace in the country. I sincerely congratulate them for the inclusion of a justice mechanism, which will ensure that there will be no impunity for the most serious international crimes. In this respect, Parliamentarians for Global Action underscores that there is no such thing as “transitional” justice or temporary arrangement for the victims: justice is permanent as it must be based on the specific determination of individual responsibility beyond reasonable doubt and on genuine truth-finding that will have to resist the test of time. Forgiveness can be attained only if and when the victims themselves will decide to afford it in the framework of a truly reparative and restorative process.

Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)

It is with great pleasure that we bear witness to the signing of a peace accord that will no doubt usher in a new era of reconciliation between Colombia and the FARC. The much anticipated peace accord not only signifies the end of hostilities but also the start of a new relationship based on trust and goodwill. One that will no doubt translate into progress, stability and an increase of democracy for Colombia and the region.

Ms. Petra Bayr, MP (Austria)

It is with great privilege that we welcome this important step in the road to peace and stability in Colombia. This ceasefire agreement constitutes the lynchpin of a better future for Colombians through the strengthening of the Rule of Law. Reaching an agreement for a comprehensive settlement of the conflict that has brought so much hardship to its victims is an illustration of tireless efforts of both parties together with PGA members in Colombia, who have been calling for justice and accountability for years.

Mr. Alain Destexhe, MP (Belgium)

Impunity has been dealt a strong blow by the signing of a historic peace accord between Colombia and the FARC. We hope that the parties will continue cooperating with the objective of creating a peaceful and stable environment for all Colombians. This peace accord is an important step in reinforcing the Rule of Law in Colombia and reaffirms that there has to be peace without impunity.

Dip. Ronny Monge (Costa Rica)

I strongly applaud the ceasefire agreement that represents a historic development for Colombia. It demonstrates the willingness of both sides to reach an agreement on the most sensitive points in order to attain durable peace and to cease hostilities. By signing the ceasefire agreement, Colombia manifested its commitment for the pursuit of peace and justice. It is now vital to ensure that the accountability for human rights violations committed in the past and the fight against impunity play an important part of the process following the ceasefire agreement, to bring a brighter future for Colombia.

Ms. Barbara Lochbihler, MEP European Parliament (Germany)

I welcome the ceasefire accord as a landmark victory for peace and hope in Colombia and in the region. The peace in Colombia is a matter of international importance as the conflict has cost the lives of thousands of people and caused irreversible damage to the country and whole region. I trust that this will be an important stepping-stone in encouraging reconciliation amongst the parties and will thereby foster good relations for the future. It is on this solid basis that we can build a peaceful future where all can flourish.

Dip. Kula Segaran (Malaysia)