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The Role of Parliamentarians in Promoting the Universality of the Rome Statute: The State of Play in Today’s ICC

Agenda (Tuesday, 7 December 2021 – 1.15 PM to 2:45 PM CET)

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13:15 Opening Remarks by the ASP Facilitators on Universality and Full Implementation:
H.E. Henk Cor van der Kwast Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Criminal Court H.E. Yeondoo Jeong Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Netherlands
13:30 Reflections by the Presidency of the ICC:
H.E. Piotr Hofmański President of the International Criminal Court
13:45 European Parliament, European Union Mr. Fabio Massimo Castaldo, MEP (Italy) Vice-President of the European Parliament MalaysiaHon. Kasthuri Patto, MP PGA Board Member Ukraine Ms. Marina Bardyna, MP Deputy-Chair, Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Jamaica Dr. Angela Brown Burke, MP Chairwoman of People's National Party Intervention Ms. Oleksandra Matviychuk Chairwoman of the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine)
14:15 Interactive discussion
14:35 Closing Remarks: The Way Forward
Dr. David Donat Cattin Secretary General of Parliamentarians for Global Action (Moderator of the side-event)