
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Resolution by members of PGA Deploring the violence in Haiti

PGA members convening for the II Ibero-American & Lusophone Conference on the International Criminal Court[1], in Brasilia, Brazil on March 25-26, 2004,

Deploring the violence that has caused loss of life and property,

Deeply concerned by the escalating humanitarian crisis in Haiti, continued instability and potential for destabilizing impact on the region,

Regretting the manner of departure of an elected President and its constitutional implications,

Regretting the multiple violations of the rule of law and the constitutional order occurred in Haiti, as well as the human rights violations often perpetrated by armed militia groups against the civilian population and political activists, as reported by international agencies and United Nations human rights bodies,

Welcoming the deployment of a multi-national force to Haiti to assist in restoring order, stability and the rule of law,

Commending the decision of the UN Security Council to authorize a three months peacekeeping operation set to begin May 2004, 

Reaffirming the CARICOM Prior Action Plan as a plan for the rebuilding a democratic system of governance,

Recommitting PGA to assist Haiti to consolidate democracy,

1. Urge the interim government of Haiti to act quickly to implement the CARICOM Prior Action Plan as well as take additional necessary steps to create order and stability and work towards a democratic and fair system of government with respect for human rights,

2. Call on the government of Haiti to hold elections by 2005 as proposed by the United States’ backed transition plan, 

3. Urge continued support and commitment by the international community to provide assistance to Haiti to replace the rule of force with the rule of law through the reinforcement of an independent judiciary and law enforcement, capable of putting an end to the impunity for serious crimes such as summary executions, enforced disappearances, torture and other inhumane acts, corruption and drug trafficking. 

4. Further call on the international community to provide urgent humanitarian aid and work together with the government and people of Haiti to provide long term development assistance for reconstruction and economic growth.


[1] The II Ibero-American & Lusophone Conference on the International Criminal Court  has been co-organised by the Senate of Brazil, the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), the Confederation of Parliaments of the Americas (COPA) and the Brazilian Ministry for Human Rights.

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