
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

PGA Statement on the situation in Ukraine

The global membership of Parliamentarians for Global Action calls on all parties engaged in negotiations regarding the situation in Ukraine to respect International Law and cease any action that may infringe upon the territorial integrity and political independence of the state of Ukraine.

Cyberattacks against national institutions and infrastructures as well as diplomatic sites represent breaches of International Law as they violate the prohibition of non-interference in domestic affairs: If such violations may be attributed to the responsibility of State actors or non-State actors falling under the control of Governmental authorities, the law of State responsibility applies and appropriate countermeasures shall be available to the victim-State, i.e. Ukraine, and to the United Nations' Charter membership as a whole.

PGA reaffirms that any military attack directed against Ukrainian territory would be unlawful use of force prohibited by the UN Charter and may qualify as crime of aggression attributable to the individual criminal responsibility of the leader(s) of the aggressor State.

PGA renews its call to the President and Government of Ukraine to transmit to the Rada (Parliament) the legislative bill on the ratification of the amended Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which will ensure the full exercise of the ICC jurisdiction on all the most serious crimes of international concern that might victimize Ukrainians within the legitimate borders of Ukraine.

PGA calls on the UN Security Council to take all necessary measures to ensure the respect of the UN Charter and of relevant norms and principles of International Law, regardless of the fact that one of the States engaged in the armed conflicts that are taking place in Ukraine is a permanent Member of the UN Security Council, i.e. the Russian Federation. It is imperative to recall that also Permanent Members of the UN Security Council are bound to respect the norms of customary international law, which includes the jus cogens prohibition to commit aggression.

Statement by Mr. Vladlen Nekliudov (Servant of the People Party) on Facebook

Statement by Hon. Anita Vandenbeld, MP (Canada)