New York / The Hague
Parliamentarians for Global Action ( PGA) expresses its deepest condolences to the Mirabal family and to all the people of Dominican Republic on the occasion of the death, on February 1, 2014 at 88 years old, of Mrs. Belgica Adela ¨Dede¨ Mirabal, the last representative of the Mirabal family that faced the tyranny of the former Dictator of The Dominican Republic, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina.
At this sad moment our thoughts are with her family and many friends, in the Dominican Republic and around the world.
It was also Dede Mirabal who valiantly took on the challenge of raising and educating the children of her 3 sisters, considered heroines of their country who on November 25, 1960 were brutally murdered by the secret police of Trujillo.
"The Butterflies" , as they are also known, met their horrific fate while returning from visiting their husbands, imprisoned in the Fortress of San Felipe , north of Santo Domingo.
The only surviving Mirabal sister, Dede, had become active in politics and became a symbol of the fight against violent dictatorships not only in the Dominican Republic , but also throughout Latin America
PGA honors Dede Mirabal, whose death leaves an undoubted vacuum in the Dominican Republic, but, at the same time, a beautiful legacy, borne of her resistance and courage.
Dede Mirabal was also the custodian and guardian of her family’s memory and one who, at all times, worked tireless for the good of her country.
In parallel with its Annual Fora, and from 1996 onwards, PGA has awarded on an annual basis the Defender of Democracy Award (DDA).
The award is given to people who, through their dedication, commitment and active participation, have made significant progress in strengthening democracy and democratic practices in their countries.
At this sad time, therefore, we can take comfort in remembering, with great pride and affection, that on October 23, 2010 , Parliamentarians for Global Action awarded Ms. Mirabal its Defender of Democracy Award, as President of the Foundation Hermanas Mirabal as well as for her outstanding work and commitment to the rights of women, the elimination of violence against women and her contributions to democracy in the Dominican Republic. Read more here.
In its resolution 54/134 of 1999, the UN General Assembly honoured the struggle of the Mirabal sisters against the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo and their tragic death and declared 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Read more here.
Dede Mirabal assiduously maintained the legacy of his sisters, working tirelessly to establish a democratic society in her country.
For this reason, and over fourty years ago, Dede Mirabal decided to found a museum and a library in the home where her three sisters lived when they were killed. Read more here.
To this day, The Mirabal Sisters Museum preserves the true history of the Trujillo regime, a history which the government steadfastly refused to include in the national history text books.
The Museum is visited annually by thousands of students, as well as national and international visitors.
Until her last days, Dede Mirabal, still lead tours, often taking the opportunity to talk about the need for the Dominican Republic to strengthen its democratic institutions.
Dede Mirabal will be forever remembered as a crusader for peace and the betterment of humanity.