
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

PGA expresses its support for California Governor’s decision to enact moratorium on the death penalty in the state of California

The following letter was transmitted to the office of the Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, following his decision to to enact a moratorium on the death penalty in the state of California.

Stockholm-Kuala Lumpur/New York-The Hague, 18 March 2019

In our official capacities as President of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and Convenor of its International Law and Human Rights Program, and as fervent abolitionists, we would like to express our support for your decision to enact a moratorium on the death penalty in the state of California during your term.

PGA is a non-governmental network of more than 1,300 parliamentarians from across the globe, united in our commitment to human rights and the Rule of Law. Through PGA’s Parliamentary Campaign for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, our Members mobilize to abolish capital punishment in all regions of the world. As such, we are painfully aware of how difficult it can be to achieve progress in this area. In many jurisdictions, superficial measures of public opinion appear to support the use of the death penalty, as some did in your state. Yet, as elected representatives of our people, we often emphasize that it is our duty not only to respond and defer to public opinion, but to lead opinion on fundamental human rights issues.

By signing an executive order implementing a moratorium on executions during your term in the most populous state in the United States of America, with what had been the largest death row population, you have shown remarkable leadership, which we commend and applaud. The use of capital punishment has steadily decreased each year globally, while its practice has roughly stagnated in the United States; worldwide, it remains an issue that continues to foster impassioned debate. PGA hopes to join with our fellow elected representatives across the United States and support them in advocating for the decline of the use of capital punishment and its ultimate abolition.

Your personal and principled decision, and inspiring speech, are an excellent reminder that it is essential to continue mobilizing against the death penalty, particularly when it is applied disproportionately against minorities and vulnerable groups. PGA Members across the world will take inspiration from your words as they work towards PGA’s vision of a “rules-based international order for a more equitable, safe and democratic world”.

Sincerely yours,

Ms. Margareta Cederferlt, MP      
Member of the Riksdag, Sweden 
President, PGA 
Vice-President, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Mr. Kula Segaran, MP
Member, House of Representatives, Malaysia
Convenor, PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Program
Minister for Human Resources of Malaysia


Dernières Nouvelles : Campagne APM

La peine de mort ne protège personne – PGA commémore la Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort 2024

Chaque année, le 10 octobre, le mouvement abolitionniste mondial se réunit pour célébrer la Journée mondiale contre la peine de mort. « La peine de mort ne protège personne : abolissons-la maintenant ».

Renforcer le mouvement abolitionniste : lancement du Consortium mondial pour l’abolition de la peine de mort

La peine de mort reste une préoccupation majeure en matière de droits de l'homme. Pour la seule année 2023, Amnesty International a recensé 1 153 exécutions, soit une augmentation de 31 % par rapport à l'année précédente et le chiffre le plus élevé depuis 2015.

Photo by Daniel Gregoire on Unsplash

C'est avec une profonde inquiétude que PGA a pris connaissance ce matin de la communication d'une circulaire du Ministère de la Justice de la République Démocratique du Congo officialisant la décision de lever le moratoire sur la peine de mort dans le pays.