
La vision de PGA est de contribuer à la création d'un ordre international fondé sur le respect des règles pour un monde plus équitable, sûr, durable et démocratique.

PGA Argentina National Group supports the Campaign for a Global Democratic Governance

New York/Buenos Aires

The novel coronavirus pandemic has not spared any corner of the world. Inequalities have been exacerbated in our societies.  Vulnerable populations face disproportionate risks from the pandemic and have unequal access basic services, including health. In a climate of global fear and uncertainty, the lack of coordination and cooperation between governments have allowed more space for anti-democratic and populist discourse to flourish, to the detriment of the integrity of democratic institutions, respect of fundamental human rights  and wellbeing of populations.

Dip. Carla Piccolomini, Chair of the PGA Argentina Group, expressed the group’s support for the Campaign for a Democratic Global Governance promoted by Global Democracy. The aim is to foster political will for necessary reforms to international institutions amid the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic.

The global crisis requires higher levels of global cooperation than existed prior to it. Dip. Carla Piccolomini, Chair of the PGA Argentina Group

There is a need to make each level of governance more representative and effective. For instance, the Global Democracy campaign proposes the creation of a UN Parliamentary Assembly able to tackle global challenges.

In the framework of its Campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights (DRHR), PGA recognizes that the health crisis has had a negative impact on democratic institutions in many countries and that a “rules-based international order” can only be achieved with active, diverse, effective and vibrant cooperation, not only between governments and other domestic actors, but also among  governments worldwide in partnership with multilateral international institutions.

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Gary Todd, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Capture d'écran : UN Web TV

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