PGA's International Peace and Security Program organized a National Parliamentary Session (NPS) on Nuclear and Radiological Security in Freetown, Sierra Leone on October 21st, 2024.
An initial welcome and introduction was made by the Chair of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Sierra Leone, Hon. Sulamain Conteh. This was immediately followed by a wide-ranging overview made by former PGA Executive Committee Member and Member of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Bernadette Lahai CRSL (formerly also Vice President of the Pan African Parliament) of past and present extensive engagement by PGA with the Parliament of Sierra Leone and its PGA Membership, including the organization of two previous events in Freetown in the past 15 years. Following a summary provided by the Senior Director of PGA's International Peace and Security Program of programmatic activity within PGA IPSP, Peter Barcroft introduced participants to PGA IPSP's Nuclear and Radiological Campaign, in particular focussing on ongoing efforts to promote adherence to the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT) in numerous States worldwide. Thereafter, a substantive and informative presentation on the goal and objectives of ICSANT, as well as the benefits of adherence, was provided virtually in PowerPoint format by Mr. Artem Lazarev, Programme Officer, CBRN Terrorism Prevention Programme Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna. There followed a lively and lengthy Question and Answer session with many participants engaging directly, seeking clarifications and/or additional information as well as making general, helpful contextual observations - in terms of encouraging the Government of Sierra Leone to explore the possibility of ratifying ICSANT, having already signed it in 2005. Prior to conclusion of the National Parliamentary Session, Mr. Peter Barcroft, Senior Director, PGA IPSP made a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the gender differentiated impact of nuclear and radiological weapons and materials on women which was also well received by all participants. Brief suggested points of action were also raised at the conclusion of the NPS and it was agreed that the participants would further refine these points of action, following subsequent internal consultations among themselves.
PGA is grateful to the Parliament of Sierra Leone for facilitating the organization of this Workshop, to UNODC for their continued important collaboration with and cooperation in the implementation of this project as a whole as well as to the Weapons Threat Reduction Program of Global Affairs Canada for funding support for this successful event.