On 28-29 September 2016, Parliamentarians for Global Action organized, in collaboration with the Senate of Uruguay, a Parliamentary Seminar entitled: Support for the International Criminal Court: say No to impunity for international crimes Yes to reparation for victims.
The seminar, which was supported by the Municipality of Montevideo and the International Committee of the Red Cross, was attended by legislators from Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The seminar was opened by Dip. Alfredo Asti (Uruguay), vice-president for Uruguay in the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), Dip. Berta Sanseverino (Uruguay), president of the national group of PGA in Uruguay, Dip. Daniel Radio (Uruguay), member of PGA and Dip. Ronny Monge (Costa Rica), member of the Board of PGA; the President of PGA, Dip. Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina), also atended the event.
Over two days of intense discussions, experts from ICRC and PGA introduced the topics to be addressed, which included the implementation of crimes and principles enshrined in the Rome Statute, the need for mechanisms of cooperation with the ICC and the Amendments of Kampala. Such introductions led to the parliamentary panels, a fundamental part of the activity, during which legislators from Latin American countries shared their national processes, including the progress made and the remaining challenges in relation to the ICC.
The seminar concluded with the adoption of the Plan of Action of Montevideo 2016 where parliamentarians present pledged to advance, in their respective parliaments, legislative reforms for the effective and full implementation of the Rome Statute as well as to call on their governments to send bills to ratify the Amendments of Kampala and and sign voluntary cooperation ageements with the ICC.