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Statement by PGA on the Death of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago

PGA members and staff will always remember the extraordinary contribution of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago.
PGA members and staff will always remember the extraordinary contribution of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago.

Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) express their sincere condolences and deep sorrow on the passing of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago on 29 September 2016.

Senator Santiago was a leading PGA Member who played an instrumental role in the process of the accession to the Rome Statute by the Philippines. Thanks to her devoted and unceasing efforts over a period of many years, Philippines became 117th State Party to the Rome Statute in 2011 which, not only strengthened the rule of law and level of justice in Philippines, but also became a landmark moment for Asian participation in the Rome Statute of the ICC.

Senator Santiago further led a delegation of PGA Members (Senators) from the Philippines to the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians (CAP) ICC Asia Working Group Meeting in August 2006 and the 2010 PGA Annual Forum in Istanbul. During all those meetings, she was highly appreciated by PGA Members for her dedication to the field, and on a personal level for her sense of humor and kindness. 

PGA members and staff will always remember the extraordinary contribution of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago whose unwavering commitment to the Rome Statute of the ICC and the rule of law in general, sets a shining example to legislators all over the world. Her leadership and legacy will be carried on by her colleagues, who remain inspired by her dedication. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago's family and friends during these difficult times.

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Capture d'écran : UN Web TV

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United States Office of Humanities, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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