
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Malawi, Kenya and Papua New Guinea invited to accede to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

Papua New Guinea

PGA warmly welcomes the invitation of Malawi, Kenya and Papua New Guinea to accede to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime 

3countries budapest convention
Kenya, Malawi and Papua New Guinea invited to accede to the Convention on Cybercrime - Council of Europe - October 9, 2024

PGA is appreciative for the outreach, advocacy and strong voice efforts in addressing cybercrime by PGA Member Hon. Ephraim Kayembe (Malawi) as well as PGA Executive Committee Member Hon. Millie Odhiambo (Kenya) subsequent to the implementation of its Africa Regional Parliamentary Workshop on Universalization of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in Malawi in April 2023

For further Information on PGA IPSP's Cybersecurity Initiative, please contact:

Mr. Peter Barcroft
Senior Director,
International Peace and Security Program

Dernières nouvelles de la Campagne Globale Contre La Cybercriminalité :

Image courtesy of Vanuatu Tourist Information Centre, http://VanuatuInformation.com

It is anticipated that Vanuatu will deposit its Instrument of Accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in the near future

PGA Signs Open Letter to Protect Women's Rights

2024 Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in advance of the annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security

PGA's International Peace and Security Program organized a 2 Day Regional Pacific Islands Parliamentary Workshop in Fiji from 6-7 May, 2024

Unanimous support for Fiji’s accession of the Budapest Convention