美國之音記者申華, 190707 HK Protest VOA 1, cropped by PGA, CC0 1.0
Stockholm/New York/The Hague
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) joins numerous representatives of governments, civil society, and the international community, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, to express grave concern regarding the ongoing situation in Hong Kong.
The President of PGA, Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden), emphasized that:
PGA members stand in solidarity with pro-democracy activists and human rights defenders participating in peaceful demonstrations against extradition arrangements that would deprive individuals of their fundamental rights to due process and protections of the rule of law and an independent judiciary.
As a global network of elected parliamentarians committed to democratic governance and the rule of law, PGA recalls that Hong Kong’s autonomy is predicated on the “two systems-one country” constitutional principle, which enabled a peaceful transition from colonial governance. The scale and persistence of the ongoing demonstrations, and the restraint displayed by protestors in the face of intimidation and threats of violence, efforts at suppression, and inclement conditions, testify to the enduring commitment of Hong Kongers to this principle and to democracy. Given the unambiguous opposition by a significant portion of the public to the proposed legislation, the credibility and legitimacy of the Hong Kong government rests on its willingness to constructively engage with the people, hold itself accountable to their demands, and respect their rights to peacefully voice their opinions.
As the UN High Commissioner noted:
[t]he rights of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and the right to participate in public affairs are expressly recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which is incorporated in the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Where and when individuals invoke constitutional rights to express their demands and grievances, the role of public authorities is to ensure that peaceful manifestations and any form of non-violent protest can take place. PGA’s global membership unequivocally condemns any indiscriminate attacks or use of violence against protestors or bystanders.
PGA’s Executive Council joins its members from the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Hon. Dennis Kwok and Hon. Alvin Yeung, in calling for all PGA members to take urgent and definite action in support of the pro-democracy and human rights movement in Hong Kong, including:
- Condemning the indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force against demonstrators in defiance of international norms and standards;
- Halting the sale and supply of weapons by their own governments to the Hong Kong Police Force for this purpose;
- Insisting that the Hong Kong government respect the fundamental human rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, and the right to partake in public affairs, as enshrined in the Hong Kong constitution and mandated by Hong Kong’s commitments under international law, especially in light of its adherence to the legally-binding regime of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);
- Demanding the immediate release of political prisoners detained for advocating for human rights and political freedoms, including members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong who have been accused or incarcerated based on politically motivated charges, such as those relating to the “occupy central” movement; and
- Urging the Hong Kong government to engage actively and constructively with demonstrators and seriously consider their views and opinions.