Me alegro muchisimo saber que finalmente Guatemala ha ratificado el TCA, éste tema fue la principal razón por la que me uní a PGA y fue el tema más impulsado por cuatro años.
En una región agobiada por el tráfico ilegal de armas, aún falta trabajo por hacer y generar normas en toda la región latinoamericana para implementarlo."
Edgar Ernesto Herrera, Former Member of Parliament of Guatemala and PGA Member, Guatemala City, July 13th, 2016
English Translation
I am very pleased to find out that Guatemala has finally ratified the Arms Trade Treaty.
This issue was the main reason who I joined PGA and for which I advocated for 4 years.
In a region overwhelmed by the illicit trafficking in arms, work still remains to be done to establish and generate norms in the entire region of Latin America to implement it .
Edgar Ernesto Herrera, Former Member of Parliament of Guatemala and PGA Member, Guatemala City, July 13th, 2016