PGA Congratulates Government of Maldives on its decision earlier today to accede to the Arms Trade Treaty. In particular, PGA would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Hon. Minister Ahmed Mahloof, a former long-term active PGA Member for his instrumental role leading up to this decision earlier today by the Cabinet of the Government of The Maldives.
The following press release was originally published on the President's Office of the Republic of Maldives on August 27, 2019.
[ Former PGA Member and PGA Defender of Democracy Awardee 2018, now Minister Hon. Ahmed Mahloof played a central and decisive role in persuading the Government of Maldives to accede to the ATT. Minister Mahloof is pictured second to the right in the photograph contained in the following article. Hon. Minister Mahloof has been a longstanding supporter of Republic of Maldives joining the Arms Trade Treaty going back to August 2015 when he participated in a Regional South Asia Workshop Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons organized by PGA in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Hon. Minister Mahloof subsequently publicly called upon the Government of Republic of Maldives to ratify the ATT.]
President submits Maldives’ Participation in Four Treaties for Consideration of the People's Majlis
Following recommendations from the Cabinet of Ministers, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has submitted the following four papers regarding participation to the People's Majlis.
1. UN Arms Trade Treaty
2. UN Convention on Cluster Munitions
3. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
4. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure - OPCRC
The President made the decision to submit these treaties to the Majlis following today’s meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.
The scope of the UN Arms Trade Treaty covers enhancing the regulation of the international trade of conventional arms, maintain international standards, and to control illegal arms trade. The treaty promotes regional and international stability and peace through trade transparency and accountability among signatory states. Cabinet Ministers emphasized the significance of signing such a treaty given the role of the Maldives in promoting peace and stability in the international arena.
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