New York/The Hague, 25 January 2019
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), the largest network of individual Lawmakers present in 140 Parliaments in all regions of the world, expresses its solidarity with, and unconditional support for, the safety, security, privacy and well-being of Dep. Jean Wyllys, Chair of the PGA National Group in Brazil and a leading Parliamentarian from the opposition who announced his decision to retire from Parliament and, at this time, from the political arena in light of death-threats and other virulent, inhumane attacks that are infringing upon his fundamental human rights.
As reported on 24 January 2019 by the largest newspaper of Brazil, Folha de S. Paulo, Dep. Wyllys has received death-threats on account of his sexual orientation and his leadership role in the national debate on LGBTI rights.
Dep. Wyllys – the first openly gay Legislator elected in the Brazilian Federal Parliament – has championed the causes of equality and inclusion at the domestic level, but he has also played a leadership role at the international level. In his capacity as Chair of the PGA Brazil National Group, which has launched important initiatives on the fight against impunity for international crimes and to enhance the international regime of arms’ control, he has made significant contributions to the process that led Brazil to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in 2018 as well as a number of successful initiatives in connection with the Biological Weapons Convention aimed at meeting national assessed contribution requirements.
The President of PGA, Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden), calls on all relevant authorities in Brazil and within the Inter-American system for the protection of Human Rights to take action in defense of Dep. Wyllys’ quest for safety, security, privacy and well-being:
If Brazil is genuinely committed to defend and promote democratic principles and the Rule of Law, as evidenced in recent statements relating to the Venezuela crisis, all relevant authorities of Brazil should take decisive actions to protect the fundamental rights of a legitimately-elected parliamentary opposition leader like Dep. Jean Wyllys. It is unacceptable that an elected representative of the people is subjected to attacks and instigations to violence aimed at destroying his life and impeding the realization of his constitutionally-mandated term as a Parliamentarian.
No one should be attacked because he or she belongs to the LGBTI community: Such conduct becomes especially dangerous to social and peaceful cohesion when they are directed against elected Legislators, as their offensive and criminogenic intent may deter ordinary citizens who do not have public visibility or hold a public office from exercising their fundamental human rights without fear of retaliation or violence. To the contrary, LGBTI citizens should be encouraged to run for public office, as the State-powers must be representative of all groups in society. Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, MP, President of PGA, Stockholm
PGA supports individuals and institutions that are committed to democratic renewal and the protection of human rights worldwide. In this respect, PGA calls on the new Government and Parliament of Brazil to safeguard the norms, principles and values enshrined in the Federal Constitution and in all human rights treaties regarding which Brazil has taken the sovereign decision to be bound, including the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.
PGA also calls for the independent exercise of jurisdiction by the judiciary of Brazil, including Federal Prosecutors and the Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal), to ensure that the Constitution is respected by all organs of the State, including the Executive.
In particular, PGA calls for an effective investigation, prosecution and adjudication of the persons allegedly responsible for the summary execution of a colleague and friend of Dep. Wyllys, Rio de Janierio City Councillor Ms. Marielle Franco, who was brutally killed by a death-squad in Rio last year after months of death-threats because of her political positions and public advocacy for human rights. Ms. Franco was a close friend of Dep. Wyllys, and the lack of access to truth and justice in her case may lead to a very dangerous situation of impunity, which could, in turn, send a very dangerous signal that new violent attacks against political leaders may be treated with impunity.