
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty

Earlier this year, the UN General Assembly recognized that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a universal human right. Climate change is a threat multiplier, and has placed those already disenfranchised, often women, indigenous and afro-descendants, at the forefront as human rights defenders of the environment.

PGA’s Climate Action Campaign aims to raise awareness and assist in effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement – a truly groundbreaking treaty for Latin America and the Caribbean that recognizes, protects and promotes the rights of all human rights defenders of the environment.

As parliamentarians, we are uniquely equipped to ensure the protection of human rights through the robust implementation of tools like the Escazú Agreement. This Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty is a useful tool that empowers legislators, outlining actions that we may take to ensure the full recognition of the universal human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.

Hon. Dr. Angela Brown Burke, MP (Jamaica), PGA Board Member and Co-Convenor of the Climate Action Campaign

In 2023, the Factsheet will be developed into a comprehensive Toolkit for Parliamentarians on the Escazú Agreement.

Dernières Nouvelles :

Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash

The hybrid, non-partisan Caucus brought together parliamentarians, experts, and civil society to explore the Escazú Agreement.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/body-of-water-355328/

This session, jointly hosted by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and ParlAmericas, will bring together parliamentarians and civil society representatives from the Caribbean SIDS for a dialogue on the Escazú Agreement

PGA staff with Sen. Emilio Icaza, Dip. Ramón Barrios, Sen. Janelle Chanona

PGA convened the hybrid Parliamentary Caucus: Protecting Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters, jointly with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in its capacity as Secretariat of the Escazú Agreement.