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PGA members in Dominican Republic meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the Ratification of the Kampala Amendments

(r-l):  Dip. Victor Bisonó, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ing. Miguel Vargas Maldonado, Sen. Julio César Valentín, Dip. Radhames Gonzalez and Ab. Salim Ibarra
(r-l): Dip. Victor Bisonó, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ing. Miguel Vargas Maldonado, Sen. Julio César Valentín, Dip. Radhames Gonzalez and Ab. Salim Ibarra

PGA Board Member, Dip. Victor Bisonó, Chairperson of the PGA National Group in Dominican Republic, Sen. Julio César Valentín and PGA member, Dip. Radhames Gonzalez met yesterday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ing. Miguel Vargas Maldonado and with his legal advisor, Mr. Salim Ibarra to discuss the importance of the ratification of the Kampala Amendments by Dominican Republic.

The meeting is a follow up to the PGA Parliamentary Workshop on the Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute and the Kampala Amendments held in Santo Domingo on 14 and 15 March 2015, where the Legal Advisor of the President committed to send the bill to ratify the Kampala Amendments.

During the meeting, Minister Vargas Maldonado thanked the visit of the PGA members and expressed the high importance that his Ministry attached to the fight against impunity for international crimes as well as Dominican Republic´s commitment with the International Criminal Court.

Dernières Nouvelles : Campagne sur le Statut de Rome de la CPI

Capture d'écran : UN Web TV

Le 22 novembre 2024, la Sixième Commission des Nations Unies a approuvé à l'unanimité la « Conférence de plénipotentiaires des Nations Unies sur la prévention et la répression des crimes contre l'humanité ».

United States Office of Humanities, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Rep. Jim Leach was an outspoken, early champion for the establishment of the International Criminal Court. As early as 1989, more than a decade before the ICC itself was established.

Du 2 au 6 décembre 2024, la 23e session de l’Assemblée des États Parties (AEP) au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) s’est tenue à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas.

Cet événement annuel a rassemblé des États et des organisations internationales et de la société civile, pour discuter du budget, de la coopération, de la complémentarité et des défis relatifs à la gestion de la CPI.