Chile - Chile se hace parte de estricta regulación del comercio internacional de armas para evitar desvío para fines ilícitos (Estrategia)
PGA Executive Committee Member Dip. Tucapel Jimenez has consistently advocated for parliamentary action in support of the Arms Trade Treaty in Chile and PGA Member Dip. Gabriel Héctor Ascencio Mansilla in 2012 played a key role in persuading 68 Members of Parliament in Chile to sign the PGA Global Parliamentary Declaration in Support of the Arms Trade Treaty.
According to PGA Executive Committee Member Dip. Tucapel Jimenez:
“Estoy muy contento de que el Senado de Chile haya aceptado por unanimidad la ratificación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas. Ahora el proyecto de ley será devuelto a la Cámara de Diputados, donde alentaré a mis colegas a que lo devuelvan rápidamente a la Rama Ejecutiva del Gobierno para su pronta promulgación y depósito del Instrumento de Ratificación del TCA ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York. Insto a todos los países, en América Latina y en el mundo, que aún no han ratificado el TCA, a que lo hagan sin demora.”
Translation In English:
“I am very pleased that the Senate of Chile has unanimously agreed to the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty. The Bill will now be remitted back to the Chamber of Deputies where I will encourage my colleagues to transmit it swiftly back to the Executive Branch of Government for prompt promulgation into law and deposit of Instrument of Ratification of ATT with the United Nations in New York. I urge all countries, in Latin America and worldwide, that have not yet ratified the ATT, to do so without delay”
Link to Senate's webpage: https://www.camara.cl/pley/pley_detalle.aspx?prmID=10902&prmBoletin=10480-10