PGA congratulates the Government of Chile on the occasion of its ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
PGA Member and former PGA Executive Committee Member, Hon. Tucapel Jimenez has made the following statement to mark the occasion:
Hoy Chile comienza a ponerse al día en materia de paz mundial. Nos sumamos a la lista de países que han apoyado este tratado y así dar mayor fuerza a su objetivo, ya que es un deber ético y moral proteger a la población mundial y el medio ambiente frente al uso deliberado o accidental de este tipo de armas. Avanzamos en el camino de la paz, del respeto por la vida y por el medio ambiente, es un proceso civilizatorio del cual PGA forma parte importante para lograr aquello en los distintos continentes.
Today Chile is starting to catch up in terms of world peace. We join the list of countries that have supported this treaty and thus give greater strength to its objective, since it is an ethical and moral duty to protect the world's population and the environment against the deliberate or accidental use of this type of weapon. We are moving forward on the road to peace, respect for life and for the environment, it is a civilizing process of which PGA is an important part in order to achieve this in the different continents.