On April 17, members of the National Group of Sweden met in Parliament to discuss the role of parliamentarians as champions for democracy, human rights, gender equality and the rule of law. Swedish parliamentarians had the opportunity to engage in dialogue with Honorable Mariam Solaimankhil, MP from Afghanistan, and Honorable Fox Odoi-Oywelowo, MP from Uganda, who are on the frontlines of protection of human rights.
PGA Board member Ms. Ann-Sofie Alm gave a warm welcome to the guests and moderated the discussion. Ms. Mónica Adame, Secretary-General of PGA, provided an overview of the organization’s priorities in the current global context of authoritarianism and erosion of human rights and democratic values and how parliamentarians are a line of last defense at this backlash. Ms. Adame noted that PGA seeks to protect and promote liberties and freedoms for all individuals against a vision of curtailment that employs a rhetoric based on ‘traditional values and norms’ to discriminate and divide.
Ms. Adame presented the importance of the three pillars of the Democratic Renewal and Human Rights (DRHR) Campaign to strengthen democratic principles and highlighted that Honorable Solaimankhil, MP from Afghanistan, and Mr. Serkan Köse, MP from Sweden, are members of its Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT).
Honorable Solaimankhil from Afghanistan expressed her grave concern at the situation of children’s and women’s rights under the Taliban regime and called on the international community to stop recognizing the Taliban as a credible interlocutor. She stated that financial support should go to the resistance inside the country and to give voice to the people of Afghanistan. She also mentioned there are 249 members of Parliament in exile, including her, that must be heard.
Honorable Fox Odoi-Oywelowo from Uganda provided a detailed account on how support for the Anti-Homosexuality Act (2023) had reappeared in Parliament after the Covid pandemic. Their supporters saw the AHA as a means to respond to the increase in pregnancies and rapes, although these were heterosexual and not homosexual. Honorable Odoi highlighted the unconstitutionality of the AHA despite the High Court’s decision to only strike down four of its provisions (on housing, education, etc.) and his decision to appeal and go to the Supreme Court.
Mr. Serkan Köse, MP from Sweden, noted the increase in radicalized groups and how even in Sweden, there is a growing polarization. There is a growth of populist parties. He highlighted that over 700 parliamentarians are imprisoned around the world and helping and supporting them by calling attention to their cases is one of his main goals as a representative.
In addition to the roundtable in the Parliament of Sweden, Honorables Solaimankhil and Odoi-Oywelowo and Ms. Adame held meetings with Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General of International IDEA, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and partners at the unit of Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
Action Points/Next Steps:
- In collaboration with Hon. Solaimankhil, explore convening virtual thematic meetings of Afghan MPs in exile to call attention to the situation inside the country and improve information-sharing and decision-taking that supports their human rights.
- Continue support to Honorable Odoi-Oywelowo in the litigation case in Uganda and in connecting him with other MPs to learn and share information about the increase in discriminatory bills springing in sub-Saharan Africa to strengthen the network of champions for the rights of LGBTIQ+ people
- Explore a formal project with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on the rights of parliamentarians in line with its DRHR Campaign.
- Operationalize the Memorandum of Understanding that IDEA and PGA signed in 2023 to convene an activity on human rights and democracy in 2024.
PGA gratefully acknowledges the generous core support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).