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Margareta Cederfelt appointed Rapporteur of the OSCE PA’s General Committee on Political Affairs and Security

Cederfelt has served as Chair of the PGA National Group of Sweden and Treasurer of the PGA Executive Board since 2011.
Cederfelt has served as Chair of the PGA National Group of Sweden and Treasurer of the PGA Executive Board since 2011.

This article was originally published by the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA)

May 2015

Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) is the Rapporteur for the General Committee on Political Affairs and Security, appointed in May 2015 by President Ilkka Kanerva to fill a vacancy.

First entering the Swedish parliament (Riksdag) in 1999, Cederfelt served as an Alternate Member of the Swedish Delegation to the OSCE PA from 2010 to 2014 and since 2014 as Deputy Head of the Delegation. Cederfelt has also taken part in numerous election observation missions with the OSCE PA, including in Russia, Georgia, Turkey and Belarus, and was head of the OSCE PA observation mission to Tajikistan for the 2013 presidential election. She was a speaker at OSCE gender conferences in 2014 and 2015.

In her national parliament, Cederfelt has served as a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs since 2014. She has also served as Chair of the National Board of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and Treasurer of the PGA Executive Board since 2011.

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Crédit photo : Mme Frederika Schweighoferova

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Abrget47j, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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