Cape Verde has ratified the Arms Trade Treaty as of Friday, September 23, 2016 - becoming the 89th State Party to the ATT.
PGA played an important catalytic role in this process, working with a number of MPs and Government officials in Cabo Verde over the past 8 months and also in the recent holding of the PGA UNSCAR Lusophone States Workshop to Promote Universality and Implementation of the ATT in Praia two months ago - July 2016.
I am absolutely delighted to hear that the Government of Cabo Verde has deposited its Instrument of Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations in New York on 23rd November, 2016. As a multi-small island State, Cabo Verde is very vulnerable to the illicit trade in arms. Together with other members of the PGA National Group in the Parliament of Cabo Verde, and in our interactions with the Government, we have been very pleased to actively promote Cabo Verde joining this crucial international treaty. The recent PGA Lusophone States Workshop here in the National Assembly in Praia was a significant catalyst in moving forward this 'final step' a process which had been delayed for 16 months. It is now of equal importance that we proceed to implement the ATT fully into domestic law. Lastly, may I please take this opportunity to call upon all of my colleagues from other States that participated in PGA's Lusophone States Workshop here in Praia from 18-19 July, 2016 to share this good news appropriately with a view to final, similar steps being taken by their respective authorities in the near future. [translated] - Hon. Dep. José Sanches
PGA member and Chair of National Group of Cape Verde
Estou absolutamente satisfeito em saber que o Governo de Cabo Verde tenha depositado o seu instrumento de ratificação do Tratado de Comércio de Armas nas Nações Unidas em Nova Iorque no dia 23 de setembro de 2016. Como um Estado insular com diversas pequenas ilhas, Cabo Verde é muito vulnerável ao comércio ilícito de armas. Juntamente com outros membros do Grupo Nacional PGA no Parlamento de Cabo Verde, e em nossas interações com o Governo, temos muito prazer de promover activamente o ingresso de Cabo Verde neste tratado internacional crucial. O recente seminario Lusófona da PGA aqui na Assembleia Nacional, na Praia foi um catalisador importante para avançar este "passo final" de um processo que tinha sido adiado por 16 meses. Agora, é de igual importância que se proceda à implementacao integral do TCA a nivel domestico. Por último, aproveito esta oportunidade para apelar a todos os meus colegas de outros Estados Lusófonos que participaram da conferência da PGA aqui em Praia em 18-19 de julho de 2016 para compartilhar essa boa notícia de forma adequada tendo em vista a fase final, semelhante sendo tomadas pelas respectivas autoridades em um futuro próximo. [original statement in Portuguese] - Hon. Dep. José Sanches
PGA member and Chair of National Group of Cape Verde
So far, only 2 countries have deposited their Instrument of Ratification on the ATT during the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly which commenced 10 days ago. One of them - Cabo Verde - was targeted by PGA as an important target country in early 2016.