September 21, 2017
PGA is pleased to have been informed by PGA Member, Dep. Aluisio Mendes, on September 20, 2017, that his strong engagement and tireless efforts in advocating for the approval of the report endorsing the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty have played a critical role, which resulted in its approval on September 5, 2017 in the Committee for Public Safety and Combat of Organized Crime.
Furthermore, Dep. Aluisio Mendes has personally consulted with the Speaker of Parliament, who informed him that, once the matter of the political reform is voted in the next two weeks, the ATT bill will be included in the next agenda, for imminent vote by the plenary. Their view is that the bill will be voted and approved by the plenary of the Chamber by end of October or early in November, in 2017.
As a Brazilian parliamentarian, and member of PGA, I believe that it is a matter of time before the treaty is ratified by Brazil. We have gathered a strong front of MPS who believe in the ratification and full implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty. As of lately, Brazil has been focused on a more domestic agenda, but as I stated during my participation at the PGA Lusophone Workshop in Cape Verde, in 2016, Brazil is committed to put a stop to the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons, and the ratification of the treaty will be beneficial to the whole region and will certainly send an strong message to International Community. Dep. Aluisio Mendes, PGA Member
Como parlamentar brasileiro e membro da PGA, acredito que é uma questão de tempo até que o tratado ser ratificado pelo Brasil. Reunimos uma forte frente dos parlamentares que acreditam na ratificação e na plena implementação do Tratado de Comércio de Armas. Nos ultimos tempos, o Brasil tem se concentrado em uma agenda mais doméstica, mas, como afirmei durante a minha participação no Workshop Lusofono da PGA em Cabo Verde, em 2016, o Brasil está empenhado em pôr fim ao comércio ilícito de armas ligeiras e de pequeno calibre , e a ratificação do tratado será benéfica para toda a região e certamente enviará uma mensagem forte à Comunidade Internacional. (Original quote, in Portuguese)
As Brazil has a bicameral system, the ATT bill will also be subject to approval by the Senate, where Dep. Aluisio Mendes, along with his party leaders has already gathered support, and plan on having one of its Senators as the Rapporteur of the Bill. Dep. Aluisio Mendes added that the process is always slower in the Chambers due to the several discussions and evaluations that a bill has to go through in several Committees, and that would not be the case in the Senate.
While he does not expect the Arms Trade Treaty to be ratified before the end of 2017, he is confident that there is political will and enough support in the Senate, to have the Arms Trade Treaty ratified in early 2018.
Background history:
On July-11-12, 2016, PGA organized a Lusophone States Workshop on the Universality and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, in Cape Verde, hosted by the Parliament in Praia.
There were 8 Lusophone States represented there, including the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP). During the workshop, Dep. Aluisio Mendes presented the current position of Brazil, including the next steps that would be taken upon his return, which indeed were taken, and are reflected above.