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PGA Member Dr. Bernadette Lahai, MP (Sierra Leone) Embarks on Ebola Education

Dr. Lahai has engaged communities in her Constituency in a massive Ebola education.
Dr. Lahai has engaged communities in her Constituency in a massive Ebola education.

This article was published on Africa Young Voices

In order to help in the fight against the deadly Ebola diseases in the Country, the Minority Leader of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Bernadette Lahai of Constituency 13, Kenema District, has engaged communities in her Constituency in a massive Ebola education.

Hon. Lahai described the present situation as challenging and worrisome and implored her people to abide by the promulgated State Public of Emergency. She disclosed that her campaign to eliminate the Ebola disease targets institutional heads to prevent body contact, adding that the heads of institutions will disseminate the message to their various institutions.

The Minority Leader also noted that she observed so many challenges being faced by the Ebola Task Force, such as families of patients refusing to cooperate or allow their loved ones to be carried away to authenticate their status.

As she continued the awareness raising campaign, Dr. Lahai donated two bags of rice to each police post in her Constituency and the sum of two hundred thousand Leones for ingredients. She made the same donation to 11 Peripheral Health Units (PHUs) in her Constituency.

She also provided one million Leones each to the Ebola Response Team that will be visiting residents to educate the people on Ebola.

Hon. Lahai further disclosed that she provided food for families affected by Ebola.

At the end of visitations, Inspector Musa Massaquio of Giema Police Post in the Lower Bambara Chiefdom thanked Dr. Lahai for her timely intervention.

Dernières Nouvelles

Drapeau de la République démocratique du Congo. Crédit photo : Pexels.

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Crédit photo : Mme Frederika Schweighoferova

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Abrget47j, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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