3 October, 2023 – New York/The Hague/Yerevan
Updated: 7 October, 2023 and 15 November, 2023
Parliamentarians for Global Action congratulates the Armenian Government on the deposit of instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute to the United Nations on 14 November 2023. Following the entry into force of the Statute for Armenia on 1 February 2024, Armenia will officially become the 124th State Party to the Rome Statute.
The deposit of the instrument has been preceded by a vote by the Armenia's National Assembly on 3rd October 2023, to adopt the draft law On Ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court signed on July 17, 1998 and on adopting a statement on retroactively recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in accordance with Article 12, Part 3 of the Statute and the signature of the law by the President of Armenia on 13 October 2023.
Armenia’s ratification of the International Criminal Court demonstrates its profound commitment to international justice and the prevention of the gravest crimes, even amid a tearing moment for Armenians. Despite these tragic challenges faced by our people, Armenia is reaffirming its dedication to upholding human rights, fighting against impunity, and contributing positively to the global pursuit of justice. Hon. Arusyak Julhakyan, MP (Armenia), Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on State and Legal AffairsHon. Arusyak Julhakyan, MP (Armenia)
Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
This landmark decision follows extensive discussions that resumed in 2022, when the conflict with Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh escalated dramatically, resulting in the commission of crimes that may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Although Armenia signed the Rome Statute in 1999, the ratification process was suspended in 2004, when the Constitutional Court considered the treaty incompatible with its Constitution. However, in light of the amendments to the Constitution of Armenia in 2005 and 2015, supported by the Venice Commission, the Constitutional Court issued a new ruling on 24 March 2023, confirming that the Constitution of Armenia is now in alignment with the provisions of the Rome Statute.
Throughout this journey, the National Assembly of Armenia received valuable support and guidance from international partners and civil society organizations. PGA is proud to have worked closely with Armenian parliamentarians for several years, providing assistance and expertise to facilitate this significant milestone. PGA’s engagement was recently reinforced during the Human Rights and Accountability – a path forward for Nagorno-Karabakh Conference, organized by the Center for Truth and Justice on 3-5 May 2023, in Yerevan. On this occasion, participation of Ms. Frederika Schweighoferova, Director of PGA International Law and Human Rights Programme, alongside Ms. Virginie Amato, Advocacy Director for the Coalition for the ICC, played a pivotal role in liaising with Armenian parliamentarians and Government representatives, offering guidance and technical assistance.
PGA remains committed to supporting Armenian parliamentarians in the upcoming phases, which include the comprehensive implementation of the Rome Statute into domestic law, and further encourages Armenia to proceed with the ratification and implementation of all amendments to the Rome Statute.