
Mobiliser les parlementaires en tant que défenseur.e.s des droits humains, de la démocratie et d’un monde durable.

Activité de PGA en 2022

Dernière mise à jour
Date Event Location Campaign
26 January Meeting between legislator-members of the National Group in Ecuador and civil society organizations about the context of child marriage in the country, in the framework of PGA’s collaboration with Girls not Brides’ Power to Girls Campaign Virtual CEFM Campaign
28 January Sixth meeting of the Parliamentary Rapid Response Team (PARRT). Election of new members and leadership Virtual Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
January-December Project to Promote Greater Engagement by Women Parliamentarians in Addressing Requests for International Assistance contained in National Reports on Implementation of the UN Program of Action Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (Caribbean and Africa)   Multiple Locations SALW/ATT Campaign
February-March Bilateral National Outreach to PGA Membership in Africa, Caribbean, Asia and Latin America to Promote Nuclear and Radiological Security - Universality and Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendment Virtual Nuclear and Radiological Security
February-March Bilateral National Outreach to PGA Membership in Africa to Promote Biological Security - Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) Virtual Biological Security and Health
02 March African Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project | Overview of Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM. Virtual Nuclear and Radiological Security
04 March Thematic symposium on proposals for innovations within the ICC and its jurisdiction (co-organized with Harvard Journal of International Law, Harvard Law School) Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
07 March Regional Parliamentary Webinar, in cooperation with the PGA National Group of Argentina and the Council of Europe, to Promote University and Implementation of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in Latin America Virtual Global Cybersecurity Initiative
23 March Modernizing the International Criminal Court: the Crime of Ecocide - Individual event on ecocide in follow up on the proposals for the extension of the ICC jurisdiction (co-organized with the Harvard Law School, Harvard Journal of International Law, and PGA) Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
23 March PGA participation in the Conference of the Parties to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (A/CPPNM) in Vienna, Austria   Vienna, Austria Nuclear and Radiological Security
25 March Caribbean Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project | Overview of Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM. Virtual Nuclear and Radiological Security
05 April PGA participation in Girls Not Brides' closing event of its "Power to Girls Campaign", 8 AM New York/1 PM London Virtual CEFM Campaign
05 April Meeting between Honduran Legislators and SOMOS CDC to promote human rights and inclusion of LGBTI persons in Honduras. Virtual SOGI Campaign
06 April PGA participation in the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy 2022   Geneva, Switzerland Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
7-8 April International Workshop of Scholars and Parliamentarians on the Role of Parliaments and Representative Entities in the face of the challenges of the 21st Century. Event co-organized by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies, Research, and Prospective of the School of Government of Universidad Austral (CIDEIPP) and the Legislature of the Province of Neuquén, Argentine Republic   In person/Virtual Neuquén, Argentina Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
8-9 April PGA SG addresses experts' conference on "Religion, Hateful Expression and Violence" (organised by the Centre for International Law Research and Policy -CILRAP-, in co-operation with the Universities of Cologne, Delhi, Haifa, Northumbria and Buenos Aires, PGA, CICJ & Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)   Florence, Italy Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
19-20 April PGA cooperation with the ICC Presidency’s official visit to Guinea Bissau (Parliament, Government and Judiciary)/Briefing of the Chair of the PGA GB National Group for the ICC President, Bissau   In person (Bissau) Rome Statute of the ICC
20 April PGA participates in the First Conference of States Parties (COP) on the Escazu Agreement Virtual Climate Action Campaign
25-27 April PGA participates in the Workshop on Leadership for Good Governance and Social Transformation hosted by the Commonwealth Secretariat, Caribbean Women in Leadership (CIWil) and UN Women   Bridgetown, Barbados SOGI Campaign
27 April Asian Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project | Overview of Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM. Virtual Nuclear and Radiological Security
29 April Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Forum 2022 (Agenda). Session on “AI and the spread of hate speech & propaganda: Challenges and possibilities in the use of AI and its legislative regulation” organized by Parliamentarians for Global Action, the Platform for Peace and Humanity, and the Sentinel Project with the support of GAAMAC Virtual Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
9-10 May Regional Africa Parliamentary Workshop to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)   Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Biological Security and Health
10 May Seminar for Parliamentarians of the 12th Parliament of Guyana (Commonwealth Parliamentary Assembly). Session on Codes of Conduct, Transparency, and Integrity addressed by Parliamentarians for Global Action   (Hybrid- In person/Virtual) (Guyana) Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
12 May Parliamentary Dialogue with Ukrainian Legislators: Current Situation, the Work and Role of Parliamentarians, and Needs and Options for International Support Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
18 May PGA participation and intervention at the Commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute (organised by the Focal points on Universality)   Brussels, Belgium Rome Statute of the ICC
30 May Supporting Afghan Nationals on the Ground and in Exile: A Conversation with Afghan Parliamentarians and their Counterparts Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
1-2 June PGA participation in the diplomatic conference resulting from the Initiative for a new Multilateral Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes (MLA Initiative) Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
03 June Strategic Meeting of PGA UN Advisory Committee, Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the UN   In person/hybrid (NY,United Nations) Governance
03 June Strategic Roundtable with Parliamentarians on the Protection of the Deep Seabed   New York, United States Protection of the Oceans
15 June Briefing of South African Parliamentarians on sustainable small-scale fisheries (SSF)   South Africa Protection of the Oceans
16 June PGA participation at the Technical session on the International Criminal Court (ICC), organized by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS). Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
18 June PGA Commemorates the International Day for Countering Hate Speech [Communication Strategy on Social Media Platforms – Global Parliamentary Code of Democratic Conduct] Virtual Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
20 June The Role of Civil Society in the Philippines in Promoting Biological Security and Biosafety Practices Workshop Virtual Biological Security and Health
22 June The Role of Somali Civil Society in Promoting Biological Security and Biosafety Practices – Part 2 Virtual Biological Security and Health
23 June Launch of Global Parliamentary Declaration Calling for a Moratorium on Deep Seabed Mining Virtual Protection of the Oceans
23-24 June African Parliamentary Forum on Sexual and Gender Minorities, in collaboration with UNDP's Inclusive Governance Initiative   Johannesburg, South Africa SOGI Campaign
29 June Latin American Regional Briefing by PGA on Nuclear and Radiological Security Project | Overview of Review Conference of States Parties to A/CPPNM. Virtual Nuclear and Radiological Security
29 June PGA Participation at the "Solidarity with Parliamentarians: Defending the Human Rights of Parliamentarians" Event, organized by the European Parliament   Brussels, Belgium Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
30 June Parliamentary Delegation of Ukraine to The International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands   The Hague, the Netherlands Rome Statute of the ICC
01 July PGA participation and intervention at the Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court   In person Rome Statute of the ICC
06 July PGA participates in the presentation of the Hemispheric Report on Child, Early and Forced Marriages and Unions, hosted by the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI) and the Belisario Dominguez Institute of the Mexican Senate   Mexico City, Mexico CEFM Campaign
13 July PGA participation at "Assessing Opportunities and Challenges in Advancing Accountability Processes for Ukraine", organized by Ukraine 5AM Coalition   In person/ hybrid (The Hague, Netherlands) Rome Statute of the ICC
17 July PGA commemorates the International Justice Day and address International Criminal Justice Week organised by Civil for Centre Liberties Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
21 August PGA participation at the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Network (CWP) Workshop on Effectively Combatting all Forms of Abuse and Harassment in Parliament.   In person (Halifax, Canada) Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
22 August Afghanistan, Humanitarian Challenge: The Defense of Human Rights and Humanitarian Missions Virtual Buenos Aires, Argentina Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
15 September PGA Commemorates the International Day of Democracy Virtual Democratic Renewal and Human Rights
15-16 Sep Regional Caribbean Dialogue on Evidence-based Inclusion of LGBTI+ people, in collaboration with Caribbean NGO partners and UNDP's Latin America and Caribbean office   Bridgetown Barbados SOGI Campaign
August-October National Bilateral Meetings with PGA Membership in 28 + African States to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) Virtual Biological Security and Health
21 September International Day of Peace: Towards a Just Peace – Affirming the rights of victims of the crime of aggression, organized by the International Center for Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma & Parliamentarians for Global Action and co-sponsored by the Victims’ Rights Working Group (CICC) Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
3-4 October Sensitizing and Training Parliamentarians in Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda with respect to International Assistance Requests made in 2020 National UN PoA SALW Biennial Reports   Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago SALW/ATT Campaign
06 October Participation in the Global Equality Fund Stakeholders' Meeting   Reykjavik, Iceland SOGI Campaign
10 October PGA contribution to the World Day against the Death Penalty (in partnership with World Coalition against the Death Penalty and its members)   TBD Abolition of the Death Penalty
11 October PGA commemorates International Day of the Girl Virtual CEFM Campaign
28 October Meeting with members of the PGA Group at the European Parliament in Brussels   Brussels, Belgium Rome Statute of the ICC
4-5 November 12th session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the ICC & the Rule of Law (on the occasion of the 43rd Annual Forum of PGA)   Parliament of Argentina, Buenos Aires Rome Statute of the ICC
05 November Breakfast Discussion on the Protection of the Oceans during the 43rd Annual Forum of PGA   Parliament of Argentina, Buenos Aires Protection of the Oceans
November Regional African Workshop to Promote Female Parliamentary Engagement in Support of the Silencing The Guns in Africa Initiative Virtual SALW/ATT Campaign
16-18 November World Congress Against the Death Penalty Virtual participation Abolition of the Death Penalty
18 November Q&A session of Parliamentarians with the ICC Office of the Prosecutor as a follow up to the 12th CAP-ICC Virtual Rome Statute of the ICC
November 22-23 Participation in the First Annual Forum of Human Rights Defenders on Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)   Quito, Ecuador Climate Action Campaign
November-December Attendance at Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention at UN   Geneva, Switzerland Biological Security and Health
5-11 December Participation in the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court   In person (The Hague, The Netherlands) Rome Statute of the ICC
08 December The Universality of the International Criminal Court: On the importance of ratifying the Rome Statute and its amendments (side-event organised in the margins of the Assembly of States Parties and co-hosted by the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Parliamentarians for Global Action, and Global Rights Compliance)   In person (The Hague, The Netherlands) Rome Statute of the ICC
08 December Challenges for the Rome Statute system and the fight against impunity: i) Amending the amendments on the crime of aggression and addressing the rights of its victims, including combatants who are not protected under war crimes and crimes against humanity; and ii) Reforming national nomination procedures for ICC judicial candidates so that the ICC can live up to its expectation of rendering justice to victims: are States ready to turn the Independent Experts’ Review recommendations into a reality? Hosted by Parliamentarians for Global Action at the margins of the 21st Assembly of States Parties of the ICC   In person (The Hague, The Netherlands) Rome Statute of the ICC
13 December Parliamentarians Round Table: ‘Supporting diversity and inclusion in Asia and the Pacific,’ hosted by the Asian Population Development Association, in collaboration with UNFPA, UNDP, PGA and the Global Equality Caucus Virtual SOGI Campaign

On-Going Actions and Activities (partial list)

  • Technical Assistance Projects upon request from Parliamentary Committees, Parliamentarians and/or Governmental agencies on the preparation, drafting, consideration, adoption and/or strengthening of effective domestic measures to implement the Rome Statute of the ICC in national legal systems of States in Africa (e.g., Central African Republic, DR Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda), the Americas (e.g., Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay), Asia & the Pacific (e.g., Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vanuatu), Middle East and North Africa (e.g., Tunisia) and Europe (e.g., Ukraine)
  • Individual National Meetings and consultations with African Anglophone and Francophone MPs to Promote Universality and Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) (Virtual)

Governance and Advisory Meetings

  • June 2 - 4 PGA Executive Committee Meeting (hybrid)
  • November 2022 PGA Executive Committee and International Council Meetings to be held in tandem with PGA 43rd Annual Forum